Hello @meir321,
I hope you are doing well.
We have investigated this issue from the bottom again. And I can ensure you this issue isn’t occurring from our end.
This issue is happening because you’ve updated this plugin but your caching is still keeping the previous files. This is only happening on some specific web hosts when you have enabled the server-level caching.
To prevent this, You can regenerate all your assets from Elementor and Essential Addons. To regenerate assets, you can go to wp-admin -> Essential Addons then, switch to the ‘Tools’ tab and hit the ‘Regenerate Assets’ button. Check out this screenshot: https://d.pr/i/iBccDw
Also, make sure to Regenerate Files from wp-admin -> Elementor -> Tools -> General as well. Check out this screenshot: https://d.pr/i/N6WC1d
After that, you will have to clear all the caches if you are using any Caching Plugin on your website. We also recommend clearing caches from your CDN if you are using any. Also, Clear caches from your server end. I hope this issue will be solved.
If the issue still persists, please try clearing your browser cache (by pressing shift+ctrl+R) or try another browser too.
Let me know how it goes. Thank you!