• Resolved MJ Smook


    I am having difficulty installing the button.
    As per instructions, I set up keys etc with Pay Pal, then I copied and pasted the code, edited/customized it, and then pasted it into the Text Editor of a new page:

    Purchase here [paypal_for_digital_goods name=”Money-Saving Homes Book” price=”25″ url =”7.99″ url=”https://www.floridagreenhomebrokers.com/wp-content/uploads/Money-Saving-Homes-v3.pdf” button_text=”Buy Now”]

    The Pay Pal Payment Button does not appear when I preview the page.
    Instead, I only see the above code.

    Obviously I am doing something wrong. Can anyone please help?
    Thank you.

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  • Plugin Author Scott Paterson


    Hi @mj-smook,

    That shortcode is not from this plugin.


    Thread Starter MJ Smook


    Thank you Scott.

    Your response got me reading the plugin setup more carefully and I found the tab that opens a form to fill which I did. On testing it I got the below error messages:

    Error – Double check your Business API settings. (I CHECKED – ALL GOOD)
    SetExpressCheckout API call failed.
    Detailed Error Message: You do not have permissions to make this API call
    Short Error Message: Authentication/Authorization Failed
    Error Code: 10002
    Error Severity Code: Error

    Not knowing what to do about the bottom 5 errors, I went back to the plugin set up again and saw the: “enable PayPal for Digital Goods” link which took me to PayPal where I am offered 2 choices:
    Option A – Choose an e-commerce solution that’s already integrated with PayPal
    Option B – Create payment buttons using HTML

    I believe that I am supposed to chose option A. Please confirm if this is correct so that I can proceed.
    Thank you for your help – Much appreciated

    Plugin Author Scott Paterson


    Hi @mj-smook,

    Once again, this is NOT the correct plugin support area for the plugin you are using.

    You have this plugin and another plugin mixed up.


    Thread Starter MJ Smook


    Sorry Scott, but I am a little confused:
    I downloaded the Paypal Digital Download plugin to my WordPress website.
    In the Plugin Settings, it offers a Support Forum link for those who are having difficulties setting up.
    That link brings me to this forum.
    Are you saying that this forum does not have anything to do with supporting the Paypal Digital Download Plugin?

    Plugin Author Scott Paterson


    Hi @mj-smook,

    There must be some confusion, perhaps you downloaded two similar plugins. The shortcode that you provided above: paypal_for_digital_goods, is not for this plugin. This plugins shortcode is: wpepdd


    Thread Starter MJ Smook


    Hi Scott,

    There certainly is some confusion. Please check the screen shot below which shows your name (Scott Paterson) next to the plugin that I am using as well as 1) how to locate and fill the form that creates the short code on my WP page 2) the error message that comes up after I test it and 3 ) the direction to use this forum for support ???


    Plugin Author Scott Paterson


    Hi @mj-smook,

    1. In your first post above you are using a shortcode that is from this plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/paypal-for-digital-goods/

    2. In your second post, you asked about this:
    “Option A – Choose an e-commerce solution that’s already integrated with PayPal
    Option B – Create payment buttons using HTML”

    That is from the other plugin. Not this one.

    3. In your last post, you screenshot shows this plugin. The error that you are having is because:
    1. You have not copies your PayPal API credentials correctly. Or,
    2. PayPal for Digital Goods is not enabled on your account. I would recommend calling PayPal and asking them to enable it for you.


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