• Plugin Author Steven Gliebe


    In rare cases, the .wie file type cannot be registered with WordPress. This prevents file uploads from working.

    Alternate Import Method

    The quickest workaround is to click the copy and paste link below the upload field. A text box will appear for you to copy and paste the contents of your .wie file into. You can open your file in a text editor to copy its contents.

    Troubleshooting File Uploads

    The above workaround is suitable in most situations. If you want to troubleshoot the file upload import method then try the following.

    1. Make sure the file you are uploading has a name that ends with .wie.
    2. Make sure the file is not empty (open it in a text editor).
    3. Make sure you are using the latest version of the plugin, WordPress and that PHP is up to date.
    4. Deactivate all plugins except Widget Importer & Exporter then try again in case a plugin is interfering.
    5. If you’re on a multisite network, go to its settings and try adding “wie” to “Upload file types”.
    6. Temporarily activate https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/disable-real-mime-check/ then import.
    7. Test by generating a .wie on current site then importing. If it works, something is wrong with your other .wie file.

    Need More Help?

    If neither uploading the .wie file nor the copying and pasting its contents work, start a new thread and provide the following information:

    1. Confirm that you have tried the copy and paste method
    2. Confirm that you have tried all suggestions above for uploading
    3. Plugin version
    4. PHP version
    5. WordPress version
    6. Web host name
    7. Provide download link for your .wie file (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)

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