• No, I’m not looking for someone to create a new theme for me. I am looking to do a complete makeover of my site and with that am looking for new theme ideas.

    The site is a technical blog, using lots of ‘code samples’ with the ‘sourcecode’ tags. It can be see at edstevensdba.wordpress.com, and is using the “reddle” theme.

    I rather like the overall layout of that theme, but there are a couple of items that I’d like to improve on.

    First, the sidebar takes up way too much real estate – it’s TOO wide, forcing most of my ‘sourcecode’ content to end up needing to scroll horizontally. If the sidebar were just a bit narrower, this would not be an issue.

    Second, because of my heavy reliance on the ‘sourcecode’ tag, I have to work in text mode a lot, then constantly flipping between text and visual or text and ‘view post’. A theme that incorporates sourcecode would be really helpful.

    I am willing to purchase a theme, so am not limited to the free ones.

    I don’t need (or even want) a lot of ‘fru-fru’ for photos, media, etc. The blog is targeted to geeks who are more interested in “where’s the beef?”

    All suggestions welcome.

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