• I would really like the plugin to work on my site, bu unfortunately it has some problems. I guess the problem is triggered by my use of WordPress MU Domain Mapping.
    If I select the top menu item in the kontrol panel in a domain mapped subsite – I get a 404 “Object not found”.
    On the site public front a subscribe action seem to work. A confirmation letter is received – but when the subscriber tries to save subscriptions options a black page is shown.
    I did not investigate any further. Sorry.

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  • Plugin Author Devon Ostendorf


    Hi Mr-Manor,

    Thank you for trying out Post Notif. I am sorry to hear you are running into problems with it, however.

    Just to be clear, do you mean you are running multisite using the “WordPress MU Domain Mapping” plugin? If so, I’ll acknowledge that this kind of set up is not something that I’ve tested Post Notif with.

    I’d be happy to look into this if you’re willing to work with me on it. If not, I hope you are able to find another post notification plugin that provides the functionality you need.


    Thread Starter Mr-Manor


    I was suspecting that the MU domain mapping was part of the problem, and that was why I specifically mentioned it and gave your plugin a medium rating anyway. It just not worked for me.
    In the mean time I found another plugin which I am am currently testing. I may return if that does not turn out well.


    Plugin Author Devon Ostendorf


    Hi Klaus,

    Thanks for the reply (and for the rating too : ). I hope the new plugin works for you. Please do let me know if it works (and, if so, which plugin it is) as I’d like to look into how it handles MU domain mapping.


    Thread Starter Mr-Manor


    Hi Devon

    The plugin i am currently testing is Subscribe2, it has a fairly complete Danish translation aswell. This is also a key point as it save me some time in translating it my self.

    Regarding how it manages MU domain mapping, i am not sure that it does at all. They may just be lucky that functionality does not break. I base that assumption on the fact that links in the notification mail points back to the original site. WordPress handles that well and just redirects to the correct (mapped)domain, but alert users may notice the wrong link.


    Plugin Author Devon Ostendorf


    Hi Klaus,

    Thanks for the additional explanation. I hope Subscribe2 works for you (and I’m glad it has a Danish translation; I’m jealous in that regard! ?? ).

    Take care,

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