Hello Jay,
first of all thanks so much for your detailed explanations. I haven’t received any ticket response to my Email yet, so maybe in the meantime it’s okay if I post my feedback here?
Order Status Mapping is a great first step in the right direction. Unfortunately, our trial memberships are also registered as “orders” in Woocommerce, so this solution will not successfully distinguish between a lead and a customer. (Using parameters: Customer – Payment – Succeeded). What we want, is that any User that makes a purchase for more than 0 EUR automatically changes his status into a (paying) customer).
Alternatively, we could use the automation extension for this.
However, the current rules are not sufficient to allow for automated status update changes from Lead to Customer, as soon as they have purchased an item under specific conditions.
/If Lead creates a new tag (product tag xyz)
or falls into a segment (segment xyz)
or value >0
—> change status to Customer
Our the issue with missing parameters for the segmentation extension was solved through the activation of the “advanced segmentation” extension.
There are several other issues and hickups I have encountered, trying to tailor the CRM to our needs. I hope you don’t mind me posting it here?
Segmentation is so incredibly important to us:
A. Q1: For?“advanced segmentation”: Wouldn’t it be really, really helpful to create segmentations using already existing segmentations themselves (not just their underlying?parameters)? This way you can create meta segmentations and sub segmentations without having to implement all rules all over again! F.e.:
1. a (sub) segment for all “Leads that have converted to a regular customer”. (Segment X: Rule: Lead (A) + Purchase (B) = X)
2. a (sub) segment for all “Leads that have converted to a premium customer”. (Segment Y: Rule: Lead (A) + Purchase (C) + Purchase (D) + Purchase (E) = Y)
3. a meta segment for all “Leads that have converted to all customers”. (Segment X+Y: Currently: Rule: Lead (A) + Purchase (B) + Purchase (C) + Purchase (D) + Purchase (E) – which is not very efficient.)
It would be absolutely essential to not only have “any condition” or “all conditions” rule, but also the “only condition” rule for any specific condition. It’ll become clearer in this example:
If customers have have checked multiple tags (let’s say “7 day tryout” and “full subscription”) because they have activated those event tags on Woocommerce – I will also see these customers even though I am looking for customers exclusively with the “7 day tryout” tag. This is terribly inconvenient. Especially tricky if I add more conditions: F.e.: What if I’d like to see only the customers with the “7 day tryout” tag, who have been registered within the last 7 days (but again, not customers who have multiple tags, including the 7 days tryout tag)??Currently impossible?
Speaking of which:
A. Q2. There is no convenient way to see the segmentation in a specific timeframe: If I choose a specific segment, I can only see the contact number & value for the period = lifetime. Ok. Now I would have to individually, manually recreate (you can’t copy segments so far) segments or edit them and then add the rule for a specific time period to see the contact numbers & values.
F.e.: I would like to see the segment “Leads converted to customers” in the month of May. Can I approach this more efficiently?
B.?For?“all contact”?view: I am not able to change my filter settings to add filters, f.e. new segments, as I don’t have?a setting icon where it should be as described in the tutorial (see screenshot below, taken from your demo). That icon seems to be lost.?

Also, is there any way to remove tags from the Tag Field (not removing the tags themselves, just removing it from the suggestion list, see screenshot below, taken from your demo).

C.?Is there any way I can create new tags from already existing tags? Pertaining to my question in A: trying to create “meta tags” for product categories and “sub tags” for individual products.
D.?Can I recover deleted segments?
E. Your funnel extension?only allows for “status”-funnels. Unfortunately, statuses are of no use to us, because we won’t be manually changing them and they are not very powerful KPIs. We will most likely have only two statuses, which are useless in funnels. For us, segments would be the much more important parameter to visualize in the funnel! This is also a very crucial feedback, I am really looking forward what you think about that.
Thank you so much for your patience!