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  • Hello @webgroup1

    Disable JetPack and see if it works.

    SYA ??

    Thread Starter webgroup1


    I’ve actually installed JetPack to see if that actually would help with the issue as it wasn’t working from the get-go, figured maybe that error message related to the issue..

    Oops I didn’t pay attention that you’ve added JetPack after the issue, sorry !
    The JetPack error has nothing to do with your initial issue.
    Try first to change your theme, take 2015, if the customizer is working backup your customization and remove Sela theme.
    After that download to your computer a fresh copy of Sela and upload it then activate it in the backend.

    I think this should do the trick.
    Please let me know if it’s working after that or not.

    SYA ??

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    If reinstalling a fresh copy of Sela doesn’t do it, you could try seeing if a plugin is causing the issue by temporarily deactivating all your plugins. Try opening the Customizer again. If the problem is gone, reactivate your plugins one-by-one, testing the Customizer each time, to find the conflict.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Thread Starter webgroup1


    “Try first to change your theme, take 2015” @lebcit which one is that?

    I have six different themes installed..none have issues with customize, except SELA, I’ve removed it and installed a fresh copy..same issue..
    Site specific plugins were deactivated..did not help..
    The rest of the plugins are network active and cannot be removed.

    Tried to debug and found this hidden error:
    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <”

    Anything else I can try?

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    There are some additional steps for troubleshooting Customizer errors mentioned here that you may not have tried yet:

    Let me know how it goes after trying some of the techniques mentioned here that you haven’t already done, including step 5.

    Thread Starter webgroup1


    Im still trying to figure out the issue. Look like it mioght be related to th fact the site is being imported from another installation, what confused me some other theme customizer- BASKERVILLE – works fine. I have native site to the current system and SELA customizer works with no issues. I’ve imported additional site from another WordPress installation and SELA still does not work. So it looks like the issue consistent with the imported sites where SELA consistently not working. I tried imported sites were SELA was the active theme and some is was not…same result.
    I’m trying to find out the versions of the WordPress installations the sites were exported from and the theme version.

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Thanks for the additional details. Here are some more troubleshooting ideas:

    When you imported the sites causing the Customizer error, did your import include widgets and menus? Those aren’t in the .xml import file, but maybe you used another method to bring in your content, such as a plugin? What we’re wondering is if there might be a bad character in your widget or menu content causing the Customizer to choke. Could you try:

    – moving all widgets into the Inactive Widgets area temporarily, using the Appearance > Widgets area to do this in WP Admin dashboard.
    – unassigning any menus from the theme’s menu areas, using Appearance > Menus, again in WP Admin.

    If that doesn’t work, would you be able to upload your import file somewhere I can download it, so we can do some testing with it on this end?

    Thread Starter webgroup1


    YESSS!!! Inactivation of all the widgets helped to solve the issue with my test site!! Who-hoo!
    Now will do more testing and see if it sticks! Thank you!

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Wonderful! Glad you were able to narrow it down to an errant widget.

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