• When selecting countries to ship to (or selecting individual countries for some of the core settings), would it ever be possible to select countries as groups? Or make groups of countries based on a pre-determined list? It would be quite handy (at least for my current project but I’m sure others wold find it useful as well) to be able to select “All European Countries” or “Asia” as supersets of countries for the store setup, particularly if we’re doing flat rates or shipping rates based on weight and destination. Are there any plans for something along these lines to be included in the next major release or does anyone out there think it would be a good idea as an add-on plugin?


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  • I agree. I think this would be a great idea as well. There should be an easier way to have shipping rates for different items to different countries than selecting each one individually. I have a client who has a variety of items (DVD’s, Books, Magazines, etc) all with different rates to different parts of the world. The need to specify all the different countries from the list each time for each item is enough to drive a person to drink. You can’t even cut and paste. There should be regional shipping options. I would love to know if anyone is aware of such an option or plugin.

    Have you checked this extension? https://www.woothemes.com/products/woocommerce-gateways-country-limiter/
    With it, you can set the countries that you want to sell on.

    The Table Rates Shipping plugin does just that and
    lets you configure how you wish to define zones and what
    countries are included in it.


    Thread Starter coolhatwebdesign


    Yes, but you still have to manually enter each country per zone, instead of just drawing from a pre defined zone. So for example, if I want to set one rule for all of Asia and another for all of Europe, I still have to go one by one and select each country. It’s nice for a geography lesson but a real time sink otherwise. The table rate shipping plugin can let you decide specific zones and it’s good for granular control over what groups of countries to establish rules, but not for just selecting one entire continent or geographic region.

    Why not quote accurate calculated rates from any country without having to worry about defining either zones, rules or rates? Our module offers accurate calculated international rates from UPS, Fedex, USPS and DHL.


    What you’d like is something with pre-created zones or regions
    from which can just be selected. Most plugins allow you to create your
    own so I haven’t seen one with pre-created zones or regions.
    Flat Rate per State/Country/Region for Woocommerce allows something
    similar with pre-created zones but it’s used for flat rates.


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