Hello powerfulyou,
I’ve taken a look at your site, and I think the reason it isn’t working is because you’ve set a breakpoint of 2000 pixels. The breakpoint is the screen width under which you don’t want to the plugin to equalize the heights, so in your case this is saying “Don’t equalize the heights if the screen is not at least 2000 pixels wide”.
You can confirm that it is indeed working if you enter this into the console:
jQuery( '.content, .sidebar-primary' ).initEqualHeights();
That calls the script directly, without setting a breakpoint, and it works, but right now you don’t have the white background color on .sidebar-primary
, so it’s difficult to notice that it works. I’d recommending putting the white background on .sidebar-primary
so that you get the look of Equal Height Columns.
I usually use a breakpoint of 768, which is an iPad in portrait orientation, so that I get the equal height columns on iPads and bigger but not on iPhones, but it all depends on your theme’s mobile breakpoint.
Please try a lower breakpoint and let me know if it works for you, and thank you for using Equal Height Columns.