• My blog is hosted on BlueHost.
    downloaded standard Jetpack, did nothing fancy, but Stats page doesn’t work. I get the “views in last 24 hrs” graph at the top, but when I click on that, or go through Stats in the Dasboard I just get a page of code in the window.

    here’s the first few lines:

    [ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. ]

    +ADw-script type+AD0AIg-text/javascript+ACIAPg /+ACo +ADwAIQBb-CDATA+AFs +ACo-/ jQuery.ajaxSetup(+AHs-cache:true+AH0)+ADs jQuery( function(+ACQ) +AHs +ACQ( '+ACM-chartswitch li a' ).click( function() +AHs +ACQ( '+ACM-stat-chart-legend' ).html( '' )+ADs +ACQ( '+ACM-stat-chart' ).html( '+ADw-img src+AD0AIg-https://s1.wp.com/i/loading/fresh-64.gif+ACI style+AD0AIg-margin-top: 70px+ADsAIg /+AD4' )+ADs if ( 'stat-human' +ACEAPQ this.id ) +ACQ( '+ACM-stat-chart' ).load( 'admin.php?page=stats&noheader&chart=flot-stats-data', +AHsAIg-page+ACI:+ACI-stats+ACI,+ACI-blog+ACI:39167341,+ACI-num+ACI:30,+ACI-unit+ACI:this.id.substring( 5 )+AH0 )+ADs +ACQ( '+ACM-chartswitch a' ).removeClass( 'active' )+ADs +ACQ( '+ACM' +ACs this.id ).addClass( 'active' )+ADs this.blur()+ADs return false+ADs +AH0)+ADs // access toggle +ACQ('+ACM-accesscontrol legend').each(function (i) +AHs +ACQ(this).click(function () +AHs +ACQ(this).parent().toggleClass('peekaboo').next().toggle()+ADs +AH0)+ADs +AH0)+ADs +AH0)+ADs /+ACo +AF0AXQA+ +ACo-/ +ADw-/script+AD4 +ADw-script type+AD0AIg-text/javascript+ACIAPg // +ADwAIQ--- jQuery(document).ready(function() +AHs // tab between them jQuery('.metabox-tabs li.tab a').each(function(i) +AHs var thisTab +AD0 jQuery(this).parent().attr('class').replace(/tab /, '')+ADs if ( 'active' +ACEAPQ jQuery(this).attr('class') ) jQuery('div.' +ACs thisTab).hide()+ADs jQuery(this).click(function()+AHs // hide all child content jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent().children('div').hide()+ADs // remove all active tabs jQuery(this).parent().parent('ul').find('li a.active').removeClass('active')+ADs // show selected content jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent().find('div.'+ACs-thisTab).show()+ADs jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent().find('li.'+ACs-thisTab+ACs' a').addClass('active')+ADs +AH0)+ADs +AH0)+ADs // grouping jQuery('.togglenext').each(function (i) +AHs jQuery(this).click(function () +AHs jQuery(this).toggleClass('peekaboo').next().toggle()+ADs +AH0)+ADs +AH0)+ADs +AH0)+ADs // --+AD4 +ADw-/script+AD4 +ADw-style type+AD0AIg-text/css+ACIAPg /+ACo metaboxes +ACo-/ ul.metabox-tabs +AHs margin-bottom: 5px+ADs padding: 0 10px 0 10px+ADs background: +ACM-e1e1e1+ADsAfQ
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  • Hi,

    I am having the exact same error, I think this happened after activating sand configuring some security plugins, I am not sure if this is the cause but this is what i noticed. I am receiving the same error.

    Also I am having a problem that whenever I add or edit posts all blog will not save all the post text and I had to change some characters in order for my blog to accept the whole post text.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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