• Resolved thebigbanik


    Hi, I was testing your free plugin in a localhost environment and it looks very promissing. I am interested in the sellings addon ehich I need for selling ads in amultisite environment. After reading all your documentation for the main plugin, the Pro and the selling addon I have some questions/requests and I will describe what I need to achive.

    So, for start, all ads (only image ads) will be sold from the (MAIN SITE) through woocommerce. As I saw in your documentation the proccess is very simple and it covers all my needs.

    What I need to achieve
    1. I need to sell 5 ads in grid (300×250 )and 5 ads in slider (900×90) for each subsite with monthly duration. (I suppose that I have to create as many products as the subsites are)
    2. I will display those ads with a shortcode to each subsite
    3. If all 5 ads are active at the same time then the users won’t be able to buy a new ad until one or more ads are expired (the product for this ads will be unavailable)
    4. Users can buy multiple ads for many subsites through the woocommerce
    5. I used another plugin before for ads, the Ads Pro plugin but it was limited to one ad per time through woocommerce and it didn’t assign the ad to the group. Will you plugin assign the ad to the group or only the placement?

    Thank you very much for your time in advanced. If above requests can be achieved then I will proceed with an order.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support schmidt25


    Hi thebigbanik,

    Thanks for your questions.

    1. I need to sell 5 ads in grid (300×250 )and 5 ads in slider (900×90) for each subsite with monthly duration. (I suppose that I have to create as many products as the subsites are)

    You will need to create a placement for each position on each website if you want customers to purchase the ad space. (If you fill these slots with other ads by yourself, you could use the same placement on each page and target the ads via display condition. But let’s keep it simple.)

    2. I will display those ads with a shortcode to each subsite

    I guess that you already found our manual about how to inject these Manual placements with shortcodes into subdomains of your multisite.

    3. If all 5 ads are active at the same time then the users won’t be able to buy a new ad until one or more ads are expired (the product for this ads will be unavailable)

    No. Users will still be able to purchase new products. You might find a workaround using WooCommerce add-ons to limit the quantity of available products. But this will result in manual adjustems.

    4. Users can buy multiple ads for many subsites through the woocommerce

    Yes, users can buy as many “products” as they want. Afterward, they will receive an email with a link to a form to upload all ads from the same page.

    5. I used another plugin before for ads, the Ads Pro plugin but it was limited to one ad per time through woocommerce and it didn’t assign the ad to the group. Will you plugin assign the ad to the group or only the placement?

    If a groups is already assigned to a placement where you sell ads, Advanced Ads will add the purchased ad to this group. Its ad weight will be automatically 5. So from this point, you can include the ad automatically into your grids, or play around with custom settings. Please, see below Available Placements for further information.

    The forums on www.ads-software.com are only for the plugins that are also hosted here. If you need help with any premium extensions of Advanced Ads like Selling Ads, I want kindly ask you to reach out to our support in the future.

    Best regards and we hopefully meet there,

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