• Hello,
    We are working on our website https://www.evelin-soft.com
    Can you please help me with two matters please:
    1. I try to add recaptcha to the form but I receive the message: Invalid Site key although I insert the right unique code I have; then They ask a secret key – maybe this is the problem? where can I find it?
    2. I lost the Send button while translating texts in french, and I try to insert again the code and It will not work. The button seems to be there but invisible. Is there something wrong with my code?

    <p>Your Name (required)
    [text* your-name] </p>

    <p>Your Email (required)
    [email* your-email] </p>

    [text your-subject] </p>

    <p>Your Message
    [textarea your-message] </p>

    <p>[submit “Send”]</p>
    Thank you!


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  • Whilst I’m not having the same problem, my send button is creating a lot of white space beneath it which I cannot seem to resolve:

    Any ideas?

    @will.barraclough: Please open an own thread for your question.

    Your case is completely unrelated to CF7, it’s a CSS issue at .textwidget img width/height scaling.


    ?Problem one:

    They ask a secret key – maybe this is the problem? where can I find it?

    You need a site key and secret key. See https://contactform7.com/recaptcha/

    Problem two:
    The problem is caused by the colors used in the CSS below https://evelin-soft.com/wp-content/themes/scalia/css/custom.css?ver=4.3.1

    .sc-button, input[type="submit"], .radio-sign.checked::before, .page-links a, .blog-load-more button, .blog-style-default .comments-link a, .price_slider_amount .button {
        background-color: #ffffff;
    .sc-button, input[type="submit"], .page-links a, .blog-load-more button span, .blog-load-more button span::before, .blog-style-default .comments-link a, .widget a.sc-button, #primary-menu.no-responsive > li.menu-item-cart .widget_shopping_cart_content .buttons a.checkout, .price_slider_amount .button {
        color: #ffffff;

    you may correct this with code below

    .wpcf7 .wpcf7-submit {
        background-color: black; /* add your preferred color */
        color: blue;

    Add your CSS via Child Theme or use custom CSS plugin.??

    Im having the same issue, just tried that code you recommended, it didn’t work. I still cant see the button. I didnt have the same css issues, but the button is just not visible.

    @csmithfcedge as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic. I’ll be watching out for your question to offer you a possible solution.

    Posting in an existing topic and taking over the original posters question is generally considered inappropriate. Added to which, your problem – despite any similarity in symptoms – is likely to be completely different.

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  • The topic ‘Send button invisible’ is closed to new replies.