Hey Mike,
Would you mind directing me where to add this Google trusted store code to the confirmation page? I would really appreciate it.
Instruction says “This code should be placed on your order confirmation page(s). All confirmation pages must be HTTPS.
The order confirmation module code enables your customers to opt in for purchase protection from Google Trusted Stores after their order is complete and transmits the necessary transaction information to Google.Fill in the variables in red for your store.”
<!– START Google Trusted Stores Order –>
<div id=”gts-order” style=”display:none;” translate=”no”>
<!– start order and merchant information –>
<span id=”gts-o-id”>MERCHANT_ORDER_ID</span>
<span id=”gts-o-domain”>MERCHANT_ORDER_DOMAIN</span>
<span id=”gts-o-email”>CUSTOMER_EMAIL</span>
<span id=”gts-o-country”>CUSTOMER_COUNTRY</span>
<span id=”gts-o-currency”>CURRENCY</span>
<span id=”gts-o-total”>ORDER_TOTAL</span>
<span id=”gts-o-discounts”>ORDER_DISCOUNTS</span>
<span id=”gts-o-shipping-total”>ORDER_SHIPPING</span>
<span id=”gts-o-tax-total”>ORDER_TAX</span>
<span id=”gts-o-est-ship-date”>ORDER_EST_SHIP_DATE</span>
<span id=”gts-o-est-delivery-date”>ORDER_EST_DELIVERY_DATE</span>
<span id=”gts-o-has-preorder”>HAS_BACKORDER_PREORDER</span>
<span id=”gts-o-has-digital”>HAS_DIGITAL_GOODS</span>
<!– end order and merchant information –>
<!– start repeated item specific information –>
<!– item example: this area repeated for each item in the order –>
<span class=”gts-item”>
<span class=”gts-i-name”>ITEM_NAME</span>
<span class=”gts-i-price”>ITEM_PRICE</span>
<span class=”gts-i-quantity”>ITEM_QUANTITY</span>
<span class=”gts-i-prodsearch-id”>ITEM_GOOGLE_SHOPPING_ID</span>
<span class=”gts-i-prodsearch-store-id”>ITEM_GOOGLE_SHOPPING_ACCOUNT_ID</span>
<span class=”gts-i-prodsearch-country”>ITEM_GOOGLE_SHOPPING_COUNTRY</span>
<span class=”gts-i-prodsearch-language”>ITEM_GOOGLE_SHOPPING_LANGUAGE</span>
<!– end item 1 example –>
<!– end repeated item specific information –>
<!– END Google Trusted Stores Order –>