@madjax yes there will be an option to disable the event monitor completely, actually it already exists but is implicit, if you remove the API key the plugin will not communicate with the API service at all so the event monitor will do nothing. The new code (that you can get downloading the development version [1]) includes a new option in the “API Service” panel located in the settings page named “API Service Communication”, you can disable that to stop the event monitor if you do not want to delete the API key (just in case).
Additionally, you can enable the “Log Exporter” which is basically the same event monitor but without the API service, the plugin will log the events in a local file in your server so there will not be a latency as the HTTP requests will not be executed. Unfortunately, disabling the API service communication will also disable the “Audit Logs” panel, even if you enable the “Log Exporter” the plugin will not use that local file to display the logs in the plugin’s dashboard, I will change that in the future but it will not be shipped in the next version, maybe in the second next version.
@stefhz try my suggestion from this other thread [2] some people has said that after following these instructions (using the development version of the code) solved the issue, give it a try and if it does not works then disable the API communication completely, that will surely fix the issue, it will disable the security logs though.
[1] https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/sucuri-scanner.zip
[2] https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/failed-to-connect-to-wordpresssucurinet-port