It’s fairly simple: if a message can’t be sent, the whole sending process is put on pause and an error message is displayed. There is no way a newsletter can be marked as sent if one or more subscribers failed. To that end, if you see 100/100 (i.e., newsletter is sent) statistics, you can be assured that all messages were successfully passed to and accepted by whichever sending service that you’re using. It is then up to the sending service to actually deliver those messages, which is outside of our control unless you are using our own sending service (check for more information).
Whenever an individual message is sent, it is logged in the database (check tbe mailpoet_statistics_newsletters
table). Clicks/unsubscribes/opens are also logged and associated with the respective subscriber/newsletter (check the mailpoet_statistics_clicks
, mailpoet_statistics_opens
, mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes
tables). You can use these and other tables to further mine the data.
MailPoet Team.