• Howdy all!

    I’m trying to install some php script to my WP site that isn’t a plugin or WordPress related in any way. I get the following error:

    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/yummmei5/public_html/dev/wp-content/themes/provide/landing.php:7) in /home/yummmei5/public_html/dev/scripts/cr/cr.php on line 121

    Doing some research, I’ve gathered that basically the script that I’m calling and WordPress together are trying to write the page headers twice. Though I can gather that knowledge, that’s about all I can do with it.

    Does anyone know how I might be able to go about trouble shooting this?

    Any other info that I can provide, I’ll be happy to. Thanks!

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  • I’m confused. You say it isn’t wordpress related, but you also say you are trying to install it into your wp site. So are you running your script in WordPress, or not? You must be including the cr.php script from a WP file to be getting this error (or the other way around).

    That’s sometimes the error that results when a php script has blank lines at the top or bottom.

    Perhaps, but in this case the error shows that the output was started by a wordpress theme file. And if he’s calling cr.php from within a theme file, odds are that the headers have already been sent by WP, regardless of any blank lines.

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