• Hello,
    Today I noticed that whenever I try to post a comment I don’t get an email telling me I have to subscribe for the notifications nor do I get mail when someone replied on my comment.

    I am using wpdiscuz and a mail log plugin.

    Whenever I comment and subscribe or when I reply, I see the emails in the log being send out but they never arrive.
    That is for the mail going to the commentor.
    The mail to first mail send is the one for the author of the post and that one does arrive.

    Then I send a test message to myself (to the email address i used for the comment) and than it works fine.

    So current conclusion is that when wordpress tries to send multiple emails right after eachother it seems to fail on all mail except the first one.
    I don’t get error messages either.

    Kind regards,

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  • I’m having the same issue with contact form 7 multiple email addresses.

    Thread Starter controvi


    Any progres on this?
    Or any reply at all?

    Plugin Author Slava Abakumov



    Your issue is not related to plugin. As you noted, it does send emails. If only the 1st one is sent – that means some possible blockage from the email provider (I don’t know your Mailer). Also, consult the wpdiscuz plugin owner on whether the emails is formed correctly, what example is in TO/FROM fields etc.

    WP Mail SMTP sends all the data that it receives.


    Are you able to export the form for me to test? What exactly is written in FROM/TO fields of your form on Mail tab? Do you receive the email sent only to the 1st email address, and the 2nd is ignored? Are they comma separated? Are there special chars?

    Thread Starter controvi


    I would agree with you were it not that the mail server doesn’t even see any email arriving except that 1 that does work.
    Also, nothing changed on the mailserver for quite some time.

    The logs on our exchange server never show any other email going out.

    I will keep trying to find out if i can find the issue on my side but i did a pretty big test round of different scenario’s.

    I also checked the to and from email but didn’t see anything weird at the moment

    Hi Slava,

    Thanks for getting back to me!

    1. No special email characters
    2. The first person receives it, not the 2nd or 3rd
    3. The email addresses are comma separated

    To field: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    From Field: [your-name] [email protected]

    Let me know how else I can help.

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