• chrisdigo



    I’ve notice, since I updated from WordPress 1.5 to WordPress 2.0 sending trackback to another blog doesn’t work anymore (when I write a post and anter the URI in the “trackback” field).

    Also when I publish a new post, it doesn’t ping to Technorati anymore. And “https://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping” is properly entered in Options / Writing / Update Services.

    Even a manual Ping doesn’t seem to work (Ping / Update Ping)

    I don’t know if the trackback and the technorati ping problems are linked together, but does anybody have any idea why it is not working for me ?

    Thanks, regards.

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  • This has been in my world for a while and an email didn’t do a thing. Have another one sent it at present and will do as you suggested Mike and will paste the auto-response back to them when I have heard nothing.

    People forgive things whgen they break. I think it’s harder to forgive being dismissed or unrecognized in the face of it.

    I’m running wordpress 2.0.4, using the same theme and code from before the upgrade. https://www.mainedemocrats.org. I’m also running Bunny’s Technorati tags.

    The Technorati update stopped working immediately following the update from 2.0 > 2.0.4. Prior to that it WAS working.

    I’ve also tried to ping technorati.com manually and it is not working. No solution yet. Just stating this to document the 2.0.4. version of WordPress

    I’ve just about had it with Technorati. I’m seriously thinking of pulling it from my site altogether. I emailed them about this issue, let them know that there are many others that are having this problem, and nothing. New posts keep going up and Technorati does not update them.

    As far as I can tell, this started happening after I installed and activated the Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin. I’m not sure if this indicates causality or is just a coincidence.

    I’m running WP version 2.0.3. Bloglines, Google, etc. all spider my articles without any problems and on time.

    If anyone figures this out… please post!


    UPDATE: New posts finally started showing up on Technorati. Thanks guys! There are still some lost ones though.

    Some of mine did /do too. But they lost a whole slew of them in order to get it to pull the most recent. Technorati is quickly losing favor with me and I still had gotten no email from the last time I emaled them.

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