Sent Message and CSV Export
Is it possible to change the message after the downloader click the submit button? Currently the message is fixed to ” Thank you for your request. Your download has been sent”.
And also, I added new field in the form. The new field is a “country list”.
When I exported the CSV, I can’t seem to find a column that shows the country of the sender.I am willing to pay for support if these concerns can be solve ??
Thank you!
You have to edit email-before-download.php in order to change that message (I believe it is in two places so you’d probably want to change both). Note that if a new version of Email Before Download comes out at some point and you upgrade then it will overwrite your changed version and you’ll need to make that change again.
On the csv export, the fields are all hardcoded into the export.php file. So, you can add new fields to the CF7 form, but they won’t show up as their own column in the csv. However, one column in the csv file is called posted_data or something like that and it contains all the fields that were sent up when the user pressed submit on the form. That will have any extra fields and their values. Obviously it’s just one column in the csv so in order to get all the data into that one column they make it xml. So, to get the data back out you’d have to have some sort of script or program or something like that to parse the xml in that field and pull out that extra piece of data. Alternatively, you could make a bunch of modifications to email-before-download.php and export.php to add that extra field to the database tables and then support it in the code & in the export code. That would be some work.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Appreciate it!
Unfortunately, I don’t know what to edit in the email-before-download.php. If this wouldn’t bother you, I would appreaciate if you take time to find the code that needs to be change. I will paste the code here from email-before-download.php.
<?php $wp_root = dirname(__FILE__) .'/../../../'; if(file_exists($wp_root . 'wp-load.php')) { require_once($wp_root . "wp-load.php"); } else if(file_exists($wp_root . 'wp-config.php')) { require_once($wp_root . "wp-config.php"); } else { exit; } //get file id $dId = $_REQUEST['dl']; // global $wpdb; $table_item = $wpdb->prefix . "ebd_item"; $table_link = $wpdb->prefix . "ebd_link"; $ebd_link = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT * FROM $table_link WHERE uid = '".esc_sql($dId)."';" ); $dld = null; $is_new_dm = false; $old_rep = error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);; $pd = &get_file_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/download-monitor/download-monitor.php", array("Version"=>"Version"), 'plugin'); if(!($pd['Version'])) { } else $is_new_dm = true; $new = error_reporting($old_rep); if($ebd_link->expire_time != NULL && $ebd_link->expire_time != 0 && $ebd_link->expire_time < time()){ @header('Content-Type: ' . get_option('html_type') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset')); wp_die( sprintf(__('The link you are trying to access is expired. <br/><br/><a href="%1$s"><strong>← Back to %2$s</strong></a>', "email-before-download"), get_bloginfo('url'), get_bloginfo('name')), __('The link you are trying to access is expired.',"email-before-download")); } $is_force_download = $ebd_link->is_force_download == 'yes' || $ebd_link->is_force_download == 'true'; if($ebd_link->selected_id != NULL && $ebd_link->selected_id != 0){ $dl = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT * FROM $wp_dlm_db WHERE id = ".esc_sql($ebd_link->selected_id).";" ); $file = ''; if(!$is_new_dm){ $downloads = get_downloads('include='.$ebd_link->selected_id.''); $file = $downloads[0]->url; } else $file = do_shortcode('[download_data id="'.$ebd_link->selected_id.'" data="download_link"]'); $wpdb->update( $table_link, array("is_downloaded"=>1), array("uid"=>esc_sql($dId)) ); header("Location: $file"); exit(0); } $ebd_item = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT * FROM $table_item WHERE id = '".esc_sql($ebd_link->item_id)."';" ); $is_masked = get_option('email_before_download_hide'); //is the "hide" option overriden for the individual download if($ebd_link->is_masked != NULL) $is_masked = $ebd_link->is_masked == 'yes' || $ebd_link->is_masked == 'true'; if($is_force_download){ $is_masked = true; } $file = ''; if($ebd_item->file){ $file = $ebd_item->file; } if($ebd_item->download_id){ if(!$is_new_dm){ $dl = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT * FROM $wp_dlm_db WHERE id = '".esc_sql($ebd_item->download_id)."';" ); //another way of getting downloads from download monitor $downloads = get_downloads('include='.$ebd_item->download_id.''); $d = new downloadable_file($dl); $file = $downloads[0]->url; //if the link is masked use the real path of the DM file if ($is_masked && function_exists('curl_init')) $file = $d->filename; } else{ //$file = do_shortcode('[download_data id="'.$ebd_item->download_id.'" data="download_link"]'); if ($is_masked && function_exists('curl_init')) { $dld = new DLM_Download($ebd_item->download_id); $file = $dld->get_file_version()->url; if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])){ $dld->get_file_version()->increase_download_count(); } } else $file = do_shortcode('[download_data id="'.$ebd_item->download_id.'" data="download_link"]'); } } $wpdb->update( $table_link, array("is_downloaded"=>1), array("uid"=>esc_sql($dId)) ); //Check if the cUrl functions are available and the url hide option is enabled. //If not, just rederect to real file url. if ($is_masked && function_exists('curl_init')) { $filesize = 0; if($dld == null){ $curl = curl_init(); $url = $file; $options = array ( CURLOPT_URL=>$url, CURLOPT_HEADER=>true, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER=>true, CURLOPT_NOBODY=>TRUE, ); curl_setopt_array($curl,$options); $r = curl_exec ($curl); $header_size = curl_getinfo($curl,CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $header = substr($r, 0, $header_size); $body = substr( $r, $header_size ); curl_close ($curl); $my_headers = ebd_parse_headers ( $header ); $regex = '/Content-Length:\s([0-9].+?)\s/'; $count = preg_match($regex, $header, $matches); $filesize = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ""; $dirs = wp_upload_dir(); $uploadpath = trailingslashit( $dirs['baseurl'] ); $absuploadpath = trailingslashit( $dirs['basedir'] ); if ( $uploadpath && ( strstr ( $file, $uploadpath ) || strstr ( $file, $absuploadpath )) ) { $file = str_replace( $uploadpath , "" , $file); if(is_file($absuploadpath.$file)){ $file = $absuploadpath.$file; } else { // @header('Content-Type: ' . get_option('html_type') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset')); wp_die( sprintf(__('The file you are trying to download is not available. <br/><br/><a href="%1$s"><strong>← Back to %2$s</strong></a>', "email-before-download"), get_bloginfo('url'), get_bloginfo('name')), __('The link you are trying to access is expired.',"email-before-download")); } } foreach($my_headers as $key=>$value){ if($key == 'Location') continue; header("$key: $value"); } } else{ $filesize = $dld->get_file_version()->filesize; $mimetypes = get_allowed_mime_types(); $mime_type = 'application/force-download'; foreach(get_allowed_mime_types() as $mime => $type) { $mimes = explode( '|', $mime ); if (strpos($mime, $dld->get_file_version()->filetype) !== false) { $mime_type = $type; break; } } $dirs = wp_upload_dir(); $uploadpath = trailingslashit( $dirs['baseurl'] ); $absuploadpath = trailingslashit( $dirs['basedir'] ); if ( $uploadpath && ( strstr ( $file, $uploadpath ) || strstr ( $file, $absuploadpath )) ) { $file = str_replace( $uploadpath , "" , $file); if(is_file($absuploadpath.$file)){ $file = $absuploadpath.$file; } else { // @header('Content-Type: ' . get_option('html_type') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset')); wp_die( sprintf(__('The file you are trying to download is not available. <br/><br/><a href="%1$s"><strong>← Back to %2$s</strong></a>', "email-before-download"), get_bloginfo('url'), get_bloginfo('name')), __('The link you are trying to access is expired.',"email-before-download")); } } header( "Robots: none" ); header( "Content-Type: " . $mime_type ); header( "Content-Description: File Transfer" ); } // //HTTPRange support $size =$filesize; $begin=0; $end=$size; if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) { if(preg_match('/bytes=\h*(\d+)-(\d*)[\D.*]?/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], $matches)) { $begin=intval($matches[0]); if(!empty($matches[1])) $end=intval($matches[1]); } } if($begin>0||$end<$size) header('HTTP/1.0 206 Partial Content'); else header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK'); header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); header("Content-Range: bytes $begin-$end/$size"); $base_file_name = basename($file); if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "MSIE") != false) { $base_file_name = urlencode(basename($file)); $is_force_download = TRUE; } if($is_force_download) header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $base_file_name . "\""); else header("Content-Disposition: filename=\"" . $base_file_name . "\""); header('Content-Length:'.($end-$begin)); $chunksize = 1 * (1024 * 1024); // how many bytes per chunk if ($filesize > $chunksize) { $handle = fopen($file, 'rb'); $buffer = ''; // If it's a large file we don't want the script to timeout, so: @set_time_limit(0); fseek($handle,$begin,0); while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fread($handle, $chunksize); echo $buffer; ob_flush(); flush(); } fclose($handle); } else { readfile($file); } exit(0); } else { header("Location: $file"); } function ebd_parse_headers( $header ) { $retVal = array(); $fields = explode("\r\n", preg_replace('/\x0D\x0A[\x09\x20]+/', ' ', $header)); foreach( $fields as $field ) { if( preg_match('/([^:]+): (.+)/m', $field, $match) ) { $match[1] = preg_replace('/(?<=^|[\x09\x20\x2D])./e', 'strtoupper("")', strtolower(trim($match[1]))); if( isset($retVal[$match[1]]) ) { $retVal[$match[1]] = array($retVal[$match[1]], $match[2]); } else { $retVal[$match[1]] = trim($match[2]); } } } return $retVal; } ?>
The file you included there was download.php, not email-before-download.php. However, that may not matter as I just realized that message text you are seeing is not in either file.
Hmm. Unfortunately, my installation has been modified a whole bunch, so I’m not sure exactly where that would be coming from. You can check the EBD settings page in your wordpress menu. There are 15 or so settings in there – maybe that message is in one of those boxes.
Also, go check the CF7 form you made. Edit it and then one of the tabs is “Messages”. Click on that and then scroll down and look at each of the messages and see if it’s in there. I wouldn’t expect it to be since it specifically mentions a “download”, but check just to be sure.
If you don’t find it in either of those places then it has to be in email-before-download.php .. maybe you have an older version than the latest or something? not sure….
Yay! I found it ?? ?? ??
It’s in the first box of Message tab of CF7. Thanks so much for your help!!
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