Hello again! It’s been a while.
I’m not sure what you mean by “disappearing.”
TSF doesn’t store any of its generated titles and descriptions in the database — every request they’re regenerated. These are displayed in the back end as input placeholders (sometimes mistaken as actual input) and can be overwritten manually. Your manual input should be stored indefinitely until you manually erase it.
If you find that the input fields are empty entirely (no value, no placeholder) then the generated data couldn’t be filled in (even though it may exist). When this happens, you’ll likely also see the character counters stuck at 0
and the pixel counters colorless and empty. Even if you’d fill something in, none of the counters update.
If all this sounds familiar, then the admin area of your site has crashed, and TSF’s scripts couldn’t be loaded. This can be resolved by deactivating a few plugins. See if the counters work again (and the title/descriptions reappear) after every plugin you deactivate. The last plugin you’ve deactivated should be investigated for issues.
If all that didn’t sound familiar, then please let me know, and I’ll see what I can do. Thanks!