Separate Header for Main and Subpages for Piano Black Theme
This is the website that I am working on using the Piano Black Theme. My website
I uploaded a plug-in calledDynamic Headers to the said theme.
After working on with some settings and instructions provided by the plug-in, I got stuck to the last instruction as to where will I put this single php quote inside the header.php file as told by the plug-in.
<?php if(function_exists(‘show_media_header’)){ show_media_header(); } ?>
to header.php
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN” “”>
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<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?><?php if ($options[‘header_rss’]) : ?>
” id=”rss-feed” title=”<?php _e(‘Entries RSS’,’piano-black’); ?>” ><?php _e(‘RSS’,’piano-black’); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($options[‘header_twitter’]) : ?>
” id=”twitter” title=”<?php _e(‘TWITTER’,’piano-black’); ?>” ><?php _e(‘Twitter’,’piano-black’); ?>
<?php endif; ?></div><!– #header_meta end –>
</div><!– #header end –>
I’m not a php programmer and as much as I try to back-up and do the trial and error system to make the plug-in work for the website, still I don’t get the right result. The plug-in actually worked but The new header images I uploaded just appeared under the default header and even making some mess on the layout. Though I also tried to delete the default header image and discard its css attributes, the new header still does not lay unto the right position.
Any programming help? or can you suggest other options as to how I can have a different header images, with no issues to any file types and size format, assigned for my main page and sub pages?
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