Once I’m finished with the site design, should I just copy the site folders back to the main site?
If the “site folders” you are mentioning are those of a (or of your) custom WordPress theme, you can simply upload that theme into (office)/wp-content/themes/ and then go to the office Dashboard to activate it, set its widgets and so on. If you are speaking of other new or altered content (such as images, audios, videos or whatever) in (development)/wp-content/, you can also just upload those into (office)/wp-content/…and then for new-or-altered items you have thereby added to the (office)/uploads/ folder, the https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/add-from-server/ plugin can be used to properly register them in Dashboard > Media at that site.
note: Be sure to use “Current Date” with that plugin and not “File Date”.
…do I need to copy the database as well?
That depends, but likely not. First, your current office database art that time might or might not have the same User Accounts as your development database, so that could be at least one reason to *not* copy that development database to the office site. Off-the-cuff here, I think I would first delete all duplicate content (pages, posts, etc.) from the development site, then Development-Dashboard > Tools > Export all remaining *new* or altered content needing to be imported into Office-Dashboard > Tools > Import…and this plugin helps make that possible: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wordpress-importer/. You might then have some still-remaining older things (pages, posts, etc.) to delete from the office site, but you should be able to anticipate any/all of that.
Finally, there are various plugins available for finding and editing *broken* links, and you will want to use something like that to at least scan the office site and detect any links in need of editing even beforehand. But for dealing with any new uploads, what I do is to have all my uploads in one location available to any of my sites…and then I can even move an entire site without breaking any of its links to uploads. So in your case, just keep any new uploads right where they are at “development” and then import your new pages and such into “office” with their links still working just fine!
Edit: It just struck me that what you could do is to simply update Users and whatever else in the development database just before you are ready to make the switch, then edit (office)wp-config.php to switch to that new database where you already know everything is fine…and then drop that database from (development)wp-config.php and either give it a new or different one. But if you intend to delete ‘development’ after you have finished with it, just leave its /wp-content/ in place for use by ‘office’ and only delete everything else.