Good morning @cynthiablue44. I visited your website this morning and wanted to say thank you posting your webpage.
I noticed that you had a lot of stuff to say and of course it took me some time to get to the bottom of your page and that made me remember a plugin that I use that I would recommend to you.
It’s called Post Teaser. What it does is takes your individual posts, looks at them, refers to the word count rules that you gave it, then it cuts your post short appending a link so people who want to read more can click that link and be taken to your full article.
Basically it shortens what people see at first, then gives them the option to see more, or to continue reading down the page to find something they might be interested in.
The cute thing about it is that part of the link is a word count and an estimate of how long it would take someone to read the full article. hahaha I love that part, but I did remove it from most of my own posts because I was going for a cleaner feel.
Anyway, keep writing and enjoying WordPress!!
P.S. You can see an example of how I used Post Teaser at