• Hello Folks,

    I’m just starting https://www.clevelandtownhall.com and the trackbacks don’t work. I activited them under the options settings.

    So I tried to add a section which would display the track back url, and I tried that trackback on another site and it gave errors. What am I doing wrong?

    thank you ??

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  • I’m runnign KarmaPress 1.5.1 after trying to get 1.5 trackbacks working. I can send a ping, but I cannot receive trackbacks. I’ve made sure my permalink mod rewrite rules are up to date. allow_url_fopen is enabled. Open proxies is unchecked. But I’m starting to think it may be related to Spam Karma or some of the other comment plugins I have enabled. I’m going to keep messing with this to see why exactly I can’t receive a trackback post in my comments. I’ve triple checked all my options and nothign jumps out to indicate that they’d be blacklisted and if they got queued I’d see that. I was runnign SPAM Karma 1, but am now running SPAM Karma 2 – no difference. I’ll post anything I manage to find. But from a look at the logs, I see the redirect, it loads index.php of the proper article like it should and my udnerstanding is a hook will sense its a trackback and take the appropriate action (ie grab the POST data and create the comment) I’m also running SecureImage – so I’ll see if thats catching things.

    Just an update. The trackback, for me anyway, is dying in wp-includes/functions-post.php Its dying when running the deprecated post_comment_text filter:

    IN function wp_new_comment
    $comment = apply_filters(‘post_comment_text’, $comment); // Deprecated

    I found that all the data is being passed, permalinks is working fine because I have the right post ID. But I never execute past that filter application. Even weirder – I can’t FIND that filter added anywhere. I’d hope apply_filters would just bail if the filter wasn’t found – but I dunno – still learning.

    Even more interesting? The comment is actually getting inserted into the wp_comments table BUT its being yanked right out because the record never shows up in the database, but the autoincrement value is incrementing with each trackback ping I send.

    Still digging….

    Well – some progress…..

    I found where the post_comment_text filter was from: The comment-post URL customization plugin which was active. When I disabled that plugin, I found that I definitely got farther along in the code execution. A trackback ping sent from https://kalsey.com/tools/trackback/ got caught in Spam Karma since I forgot to include the link to my post in the excerpt. But at least it got created. When I ran a ‘recover’ on it from the SPAM queue – voila! I now have a TrackBack comment.

    But I tried to do an additional ping from https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/TestTrack/ and while Spam Karma showed this:

    44 3 Trackback (ID: 9) sent to: paradise (Karma: 2.5). sk2_anubis_plugin
    7 minutes

    2005-05-07 13:52:18
    43 4 Successfully updated comment entry ID: 9 to status: approved.

    I didn’t see it. Going to try this again with a new comment/post

    Well I was able to get a PINGback from kalsey.com, but trying to do a trackback from tamba2 didn’t work. I see the comment process through functions-post.php – like 4 times in a row. Spam Karma 2 shows logs from the anubis plugin saying its sent eh comment to paradise – heh is that good or bad? ?? Maybe its doing what it is supposed to since tamba2 is an ‘open’ site. Hmmm

    OK – I have anothe rblog. Lets try it from there.

    Well it worked – sort of – got sent to ‘hell’ from my own blog – bummer ?? Well now that my other blog is whitelisted – lets try AGAIN

    HAHAHA Even though the domain is whitelisted, its still getting caught by Spam Karma 2 – but thats OK. Trackbacks are working with the comment-URL plugin disabled – in hindsight – well duh I cna see why that plugin would cause so much trouble. I’mm just have to watch SPAM Karma 2 and see if it is overzealous with trackbacks

    FYI – I dropped my SK2 Trackback setting to Moderate and disabled the Anubis plugin for now. Trackbacks are working!

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