Well – some progress…..
I found where the post_comment_text filter was from: The comment-post URL customization plugin which was active. When I disabled that plugin, I found that I definitely got farther along in the code execution. A trackback ping sent from https://kalsey.com/tools/trackback/ got caught in Spam Karma since I forgot to include the link to my post in the excerpt. But at least it got created. When I ran a ‘recover’ on it from the SPAM queue – voila! I now have a TrackBack comment.
But I tried to do an additional ping from https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/TestTrack/ and while Spam Karma showed this:
44 3 Trackback (ID: 9) sent to: paradise (Karma: 2.5). sk2_anubis_plugin
7 minutes
2005-05-07 13:52:18
43 4 Successfully updated comment entry ID: 9 to status: approved.
I didn’t see it. Going to try this again with a new comment/post
Well I was able to get a PINGback from kalsey.com, but trying to do a trackback from tamba2 didn’t work. I see the comment process through functions-post.php – like 4 times in a row. Spam Karma 2 shows logs from the anubis plugin saying its sent eh comment to paradise – heh is that good or bad? ?? Maybe its doing what it is supposed to since tamba2 is an ‘open’ site. Hmmm
OK – I have anothe rblog. Lets try it from there.
Well it worked – sort of – got sent to ‘hell’ from my own blog – bummer ?? Well now that my other blog is whitelisted – lets try AGAIN
HAHAHA Even though the domain is whitelisted, its still getting caught by Spam Karma 2 – but thats OK. Trackbacks are working with the comment-URL plugin disabled – in hindsight – well duh I cna see why that plugin would cause so much trouble. I’mm just have to watch SPAM Karma 2 and see if it is overzealous with trackbacks