• kriedl


    If you guys cannot help I don’t know who can. Someone some where must be able to tell me how to do this.
    Here is the miserable story. I am https://www.countyfairgrounds.net – about a month ago I got this bug – lets move from Yahoo hosting to HostGator -Now why isn’t important. We backed up everything in the word press blog through phpMyAdmin…. all the files – we sent to HostGator – they got it up – the trouble was they messed up my site in other BIG ways…SO we moved back to Yahoo. the database backup for the word press blog was backed up on our computers – so we went to install it again – transferred all the files – it did not work – one nice tchy guy actually spent some time trying to help – he couldn’t – he go it to the point where when you typed in the address https://www.countyfairgrounds.net/videoblog – a word press install blog sign came up – then he did not know what to do.
    I don’t know MySQL and my MySQL guy has never worked on a word press blog before.
    Also I have another backup – of word press done at the end of December 2009 from word press on my site – when they upgraded their version – and followed their backup instructions.
    NONE of these bakups work WHY have a backup… ???????????
    Currently – https://www.countyfairgrounds.net/videoblog has a new install on it.. my plug-ins mysteriously appeared??? Do I do a new install of the theme I was using? AND HOW oh HOW DO I import my posts from one of the backups????????? PLEASE HELP

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  • esmi


    Thread Starter kriedl


    Hi, I will send what you sent me to the MySQL guy – who I don’t think will get to it till tomorrow. He is sick.

    Can you tell me – however… for my peace of sleep…. is it possible to reinstall this database – which we have in the whole MySQL system on Yahoo, into the knew install of word press on yahoo? currently I have three folders in Yahoo now – 1)videoblog (new install) 2)videoblogone ( the database backup I did from the blog itself at the end of December – when I updated the wordpress blog then) 3)videoblogold – these were the files I copied out of my videoblog to my computer to move to HostGater – and these were the files I put back after I found we had to move back to Yahoo)

    Question 2: I noted that in both cases when I moved the number 2 and 3 bak – there was this file that did not install in both installs – (when I ftp’t them … Shine v1.3 Updates.txt WHAT is this? and why did it not reinstall? Does it have something to do with this?



    If you have a sound database backup, then you should be able to re-install the data on a new db.

    Don’t know what Shine v1.3 Updates.txt is. Sounds like additional documentation for something. An old plugin perhaps? It shouldn’t cause any problems.

    Thread Starter kriedl


    Good morning, well but I and my MySQL guy got this flu… anyway the word press blog is back up at https://countyfairgrounds.net/videoblog BUT, I still have a major problem. I can post okay. However if you click on any of the posts individual titles – you know its suppose just show that post and the link to that post in the browser bar – well, I get – “sorry Yahoo cannot find this page” – on every post that I try this with… This is going to cause a serious problem in posting each particular post (well the new ones especially) to social bookmarking services and the like… HELP

    …pst… thanks for all the help

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