• Serius ini ga boong, ini plugin kalo dah diinstal akan speed web kita akan di cache dengan baik dan kenceng bngt menurut penilaian gtmatrix, google speed insight. TAPPIIIIIIIIII.. AWAS.. MREKA AKAN INSTAL VIRUS/ADWARE ke dlm wordpress. dan akan menginjeksi plugin2 tambahan diluar kita tau. akan mengacak2 struktur wordpress, ketika udh kita un install akan menjadi lebih lambat drpd normalnya.

    dia akan menanamkan script pintu belakang buat masang iklan adsense di web kita. web kita akan di penuhi sampah iklan yg ga tau asalnya darimana. stelah itu dia akan tutup web kita, dibikin error. yg kita hrs debug.

    gw ga da kepentingan menjelekan, tp gw rekomen jgn instal demi kebaikan kalian. kalo ga percaya, bole2 aja. tp yg ada pengalaman yg sama, bs tulis rame2 review disini.

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    @nitropack I’ve removed your second report on this topic. Please do not continue to report it.

    As I noted before,

    Rather than have us remove it, I think it would be better for you to reply, in a measured way, to the specific accusations. This is an opportunity for you to correct and inform

    If you need to contact the moderators about this then you can do so via the Slack #forums channel.

    To use that channel you need a Slack account. You can obtain one via these instructions.


    When you contact the #forums channel, inform them what your www.ads-software.com forum user ID is. That will help the moderators find your account and ascertain what the issue is.

    If you do use Slack do not direct message me or any other moderator. Use the #forums channel and any moderator there can assist you.

    Plugin Author NitroPack


    Hi @jbudir,

    It is unfortunate that you had a bad experience, however it doesn’t appear to be caused by NitroPack.

    There is a lot of objectively false information here, which does not fall in line with what our product does. It is most likely that this has been caused by another plugin which you may have installed at the same time you installed NitroPack. Another possible explanation would be if a plugin update brought these changes into your system.

    In any case NitroPack doesn’t do any of the above mentioned disservices. Our plugin code is public so this can be easily verified.


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