Hi guys,
I have fixed the HTTPS issue myself by changing the img src of the search icon within the php file to a search icon I actually found in the plugin source code. I think the developers must have just forgotten to update the code. I have detailed the instructions below.
It might look like many steps but it’s fairly easy and you do not need coding experience to fix it. Just some copy and pasting.
1. Go to https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/helpie-faq/advanced/ and scroll down to the bottom. Select 0.8.0 and click download. If the version is not available, that means that HelpieFAQ has rolled back to 0.8.0 because of a separate problem they were having with 0.8.1. In that case, you can download 0.8.0 from the main plugin page (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/helpie-faq/). Do NOT download 0.8.1 as they are currently working on fixing a bug the causes some websites to break. At the time of this writing, they are still working on the bug in 0.8.1 so I cannot speak to any versions that come after. I did all of this with 0.8.0.
2. Once the file has downloaded, go ahead and unzip.
3. Go into the unzipped folder and open up the following file in your favorite text editor: helpie-faq/lib/stylus/components/search.php
4. Within the get_view function, look for the third line down which should be $html .= '<img class="search__icon" src="https://www.endlessicons.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/search-icon.png">';
Change this to the following:
$html .= '<img class="search__icon" src="' . HELPIE_FAQ_URL . '/assets/img/search-icon.png" >';
This will cause the search icon to be delivered from the plugin asset folder itself instead of a 3rd party non secure URL. Thus, as long as your website is running over HTTPS, this icon will now be served over HTTPS.
5. Save and close everything. Delete the old zip file so you don’t confuse yourself with which one you need to upload. Then compress/zip up the entire helpie-faq directory you were working with.
6. Go to your plugin page on your WordPress admin dashboard. Deactivate and delete the old HelpieFAQ plugin. I chose “temporary deactivation” when it asked me for a reason.
7. Manually upload your updated plugin by going to Add New > Upload Plugin in the plugins page and uploading the new zip file.
8. Once it has finished installing, activate it.
Now go back to your website pages that use HelpieFAQ and you should see the search icon now being served over HTTPS directly from your plugin folder. For those who were previously seeing Not Secure
should now see the secure padlock icon on Chrome and Firefox.
If you are still seeing Not Secure
, make sure it’s not caused by some other asset on the website. You can always right click and inspect the search icon to confirm that the src has been changed.
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by