The fact that 2FAS plugin works properly proves that the issue with 2FAS Light is caused by specific server’s settings because setting cookies works very similarly in these two plugins.
1. Currently we don’t have any subscription plan. You’ll be charged for every SMS/VMS. Additional fee will also be charged for every successful authentication. You can see details here:
2. Actually authentication via SMS/VMS is only a backup login method. Users are obligated to set up 2FAS tokens (TOTP) first. They can log in via SMS/VMS if they can’t provide token generated by the app, for example in case they lost their phone.
You wrote customers. Do you use WooCommerce? Unfortunately, WooCommerce’s customers cannot set up two-factor authentication. It can be set up only by users who have access to WordPress’ dashboard, not only administrators.
3. Authentication via 2FAS tokens generated by the app is free for any number of users.
If you have more questions related to 2FAS plugin, please create a new topic on forum dedicated to this plugin:
Thank you for reporting the issue with the link. We fixed it and now it works properly.