• hello dear experts,

    got issues with the following PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot find save handler ‘mm’ – session startup failed in /sites

    Cannot find save handler ‘mm’: save handler: see :

    well i do not know what this means:

    but i found some texts that explain it:

    If you compile PHP using the –with-mm configuration, you can set the session module to mm. This module uses shared memory for storing sessions. If you wish to implement your own handler in PI IP, see the session_set save handler function. string session_name(string naine) The session_name function returns

    question: is this true – does the mm stand for a special configurations option?

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  • What do you mean by issues?

    Is this coming from a plugin or theme you recently installed? Or are you custom coding?

    Thread Starter apolloman


    hello dear Josh,

    first of all: many many thanks for the quick reply.

    no – this is part of the system logs that i can see in webmin:

    I recognized this while looking for some mail functions that i need in the plugin
    participant-database – see this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/e-mail-notification-mails-to-admin-and-subscriber-do-not-work/

    Note: i can send mails successfully – using two different WP-Plugins:
    – WP Mail SMTP (by wpforms)
    – Easy WP SMTP (by wp-ecommerce)

    So i had to check the whole system – and while doing so – i recognized the issues – i saw the errorlogs

    i did some more investigations:

    This error means that our (my) session can not be saved by our session save handler. As we see i am using mm session save handler which stands for Shared Memory. From php.net: To use shared memory allocation (mm) for session storage configure PHP –with-mm[=DIR] .

    we probably need to install php Shared Memory extension to use this kind of session handler: https://php.net/manua…/book.shmop.php
    Default php session handler is file handler which store your session in files on file system. This handler do not need any additional extension.

    see more about sessions:

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