• slylake


    Hi All,

    Hoping someone here can help me because I am getting my head officially done in.

    I’ve got a call to list an archive in my sidebar:

      	<?php wp_get_archives('type=postbypost&limit=5&format=html'); ?>

    But no matter what I try, I cannot get the archives to display in an <li> element.

    I’ve followed the advice here:

    and here:

    Which led to the development of this:
    <?php get_archives('postbypost','5','custom','<li>','</li>'); ?>

    But still no list items – the items display but without an list-dot-thing in front.

    My sidebar is in a class called:
    <div id='menu-left'>

    And my CSS is set up to this:

    #menu-left ul ul li {
                          list-style-type: circle;
                           color: #333333;

    Which has all other links, pages etc, showing under list-style-type: circle.

    But not the archive entries.

    Any ideas?

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