• Resolved rossanderson


    I am running a detailing company where I will be using the date picker so the customer can pick the service date on the calendar. I know in the edit field window you can block off the current day on the calendar and a certain number of days ahead of time. I don’t want the customer to be able to create a booking for the current day so for the limits under start date I put today and I also put Number two under offsets so a customer will have to book 48 hours in advance. I was wondering if you can reduce this so for example the calendar will block off the current day but when your WordPress website hits 12 o’clock the plug-in will automatically block off the next day. So when the time that is set on WordPress gets to 12 o’clock the plug-in will automatically block off the next day so instead of having the Book 48 hours in advance (2 days) they would only have to Book 36 hours in advance 1 and 1/2). I don’t know if this is something that the plug-in can do out of the box or if it dysfunctionality will have to be custom coated.

    Thank you in advance for your response

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  • Thread Starter rossanderson


    Or if this functionality will have to be custom coated

    Sorry typo

    Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @rossanderson

    I hope you’re well today and thank you for your question!

    Plugin currently can’t adjust these limits “dynamically” this way. It can be set to block e.g. “today + 2 days since today” or similar configuration but it can’t change that settings automatically “on schedule”.

    It would have to be custom coded and I’ll be happy to ask our developers if this is something we could help with (or if it’d be too complex and you’d need to develop it yourself or hire a developers for custom work) but there’s on doubt that I have so let me ask first.

    I understand that this should be happening:

    1. Today – “today” and “tomorrow” is blocked
    2. clock hits 12 o’clock (just to be sure – you mean noon or midnight?) – “today”, “tomorrow” and “day after tomorrow” becomes blocked
    3. clock hits “next 12 o’clock” (so it’s 24 hours after point 2 above)… – what happens then?

    Let me know please and we’ll ask our Forminator Team if this would be doable with some simple code (in which case we could most likely help) or if it requires more complex custom development.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter rossanderson


    I would like the current day on the calendar to be blocked off but when the Time that is set on WordPress hits 12:00 PM the next day will automatically get blocked off the calendar.

    Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @rossanderson

    I hope you are doing well.

    You can use the offset https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/forminator/#start-end-date start date today + Any number of days.

    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

    Plugin Support Amin – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @rossanderson ,

    We haven’t heard from you for a while now, so it looks like you don’t need our assistance anymore.

    Feel free to re-open this ticket if needed.

    Kind regards

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