• Resolved tnightingale


    How can I limit the number of entries for a repeater field? I expected it to be in the field settings but I don’t see it. This seems like a basic feature to avoid allowing unlimited entries. Thanks in advance!

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  • Plugin Support Paul Clark


    There is an internal setting for repeatable field limits, but as far as I can tell, it is not yet implemented.

    The plugin below modifies the internal setting for a repeater field and adds an observer using https://docs.pods.io/code/dfv-js-api/.

    The effect is that when a configured limit is reached, the Add button is disabled and a message is displayed.

    This is the section for configuration, at the top:

    * Configure repeatable field limits.
    $repeatable_field_limits = [
    // Name of the field.
    'text_repeater' => [
    // Maximum repeats.
    'repeatable_limit' => 3,
    // Message to display in disabled button.
    'repeatable_limit_message' => __( 'Maximum entries reached.' ),
    // ...create multiple entries for multiple field limits.

    …where text_repeater is the name of the field, 3 is the limit, and Maximum entries reached is the message to display when the limit for that field is reached.

    The section between // Name of the field. and // ...create multiple entries can be repeated with different field names for limits on multiple fields.

    The full code below can be installed anywhere WordPress supports extensions:

    • wp-content/plugins/pods-limit-repeatable-fields/pods-limit-repeatable-fields.php to enable or disable on the Plugins screen
    • wp-content/mu-plugins/pods-limit-repeatable-fields.php to have it always be enabled
    • A theme’s functions.php (possibly removing the opening <?php tag)
    • A code snippets plugin

    Scott will likely have attention on this in future versions. As far as I could see, the setting is there, but changing the setting did not change behavior. This adds the behavior from outside Pods, while adding a setting within the plugin will require revising the repeatable fields in JSX instead of the Pods DFV-JS-API.

    * Plugin Name: Pods - Limit Repeatable Fields
    * Description: Add a maximum number of entries for Pods repeatable fields, displaying a message and disabling the add button when the limit is reached.
    * Version: 1
    * Plugin URI: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/set-limit-on-entry-for-repeater-field/

    * Configure repeatable field limits.
    $repeatable_field_limits = [
    // Name of the field.
    'text_repeater' => [
    // Maximum repeats.
    'repeatable_limit' => 3,
    // Message to display in disabled button.
    'repeatable_limit_message' => __( 'Maximum entries reached.' ),
    // ...create multiple entries for multiple field limits.
    * Change the existing but not yet implemented setting 'repeatable_limit' for the fields from above.
    function( $value, $key, $field ) use ( $repeatable_field_limits ) {
    if (
    'repeatable_limit' === $key // Setting for limiting repeater fields.
    && 'field' === $field->get_arg('object_type') // This is a field.
    && ! empty( $field->get_arg('repeatable') ) // The field is repeatable.
    && array_key_exists( $field->get_arg('name'), $repeatable_field_limits ) // The field name is a key in the new config.
    ) {
    // Set new repeatable limit for this field.
    return $repeatable_field_limits[ $field->get_arg('name') ]['repeatable_limit'];
    return $value;
    * Add script for limiting repeats to the Post Edit screen.
    function() use ( $repeatable_field_limits ) {
    * Post edit screen is edit.php
    * User profile would be profile.php
    * Taxonomy term would be edit-tags.php
    if ( 'edit.php' !== get_current_screen()->parent_file ) {
    * Messages for when the limit is reached.
    * If the script were enqueued as a separate file, wp_localize_script() could be used.
    $repeater_limit_i18n = [];
    foreach( $repeatable_field_limits as $field_name => $config ) {
    $repeater_limit_i18n[ $field_name ] = $config['repeatable_limit_message'];
    <script id="limit-repeater-fields">
    ( () => {
    const repeaterLimitI18n = <?php echo wp_json_encode( $repeater_limit_i18n ); ?>;

    * Wait for Pods fields to load, then observe repeaters for changes.
    function initRepeatableLimits() {
    const groups = window.PodsDFV.getFieldValuesWithConfigs();
    if ( 0 === groups.length ) {
    setTimeout( initRepeatableLimits, 500 );
    ( group ) => {
    const fieldKeys = Object.keys( group.fieldValues );
    for( let i = fieldKeys.length; i--; ) {
    let fieldName = fieldKeys[i];
    if ( ! group.fieldValues[ fieldName ] ) {
    observeRepeaterField( group.fieldValues[ fieldName ].fieldConfig );

    * Observe repeater fields which have a non-zero limit.
    function observeRepeaterField( config ) {
    if ( ! config.repeatable || 0 === config.repeatable_limit ) {

    let fieldWrapSelector = 'tr.pods-form-ui-row-name-' + config.name.replace( '_', '-' );
    let inputSelector =
    let repeatableLimit = config.repeatable_limit;
    let limitMessage = repeaterLimitI18n[ config.name ];

    // For each field wrapper. There should be only one.
    document.querySelectorAll( fieldWrapSelector ).forEach(
    ( repeatingField ) => {
    // Observe the inputs within the repeating field.
    const observer = new MutationObserver(
    (mutations ) => {
    // When a change occurs...
    (mutation) => {
    const addButton = repeatingField.querySelector( 'button.pods-field-wrapper__add-button' );
    if ( 'childList' === mutation.type && addButton !== mutation.target ) {
    // Either enable or disable the Add button.
    toggleRepeatableAddButton( repeatingField, inputSelector, repeatableLimit, limitMessage, addButton );
    // Attach the observer.
    observer.observe( repeatingField, { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true } );

    * When a repeater field changes, enable or disable the button and change the text.
    function toggleRepeatableAddButton( repeatingField, inputSelector, repeatableLimit, limitMessage, addButton ) {
    // Compare number of inputs to the repeatable limit.
    const inputFields = repeatingField.querySelectorAll( inputSelector );
    const disableButton = inputFields.length >= repeatableLimit;

    // Note the original button text.
    if ( ! addButton.dataset.originalText ) {
    addButton.dataset.originalText = addButton.innerText;

    // Choose the message depending on disabled state.
    const newMessage = ( disableButton )
    ? limitMessage
    : addButton.dataset.originalText;

    // Set disabled state and message.
    if ( addButton.disabled !== disableButton ) {
    addButton.disabled = disableButton;
    addButton.innerText = newMessage;

    document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', initRepeatableLimits );
    } )();
    Thread Starter tnightingale


    Thanks!! amazing.

    I am using this for PMPro members when editing their Member profile – the POD is an extension for PMPro Membership – will it work for that? (front-end form for logged in members)

    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    Maybe, just a couple changes would likely make it work frontend:

    • wp_footer would replace admin_footer for the action.
    • The if statement checking for edit.php would be removed:
    if ( 'edit.php' !== get_current_screen()->parent_file ) {

    …then check the Web Inspector console for any errors if it does not work as expected after that.

    There is a good chance it will work — frontend Pods forms also use DFV as used above. The class selectors such as:


    …might differ, but I’d expect them to be the same.

    Once working, a different if statement can be used to run only on the page containing the form.

    I tested on admin Post Edit screen with a repeating text field, but was very generic with the selectors: they’re based on the field configuration and name, which tend to be used consistently throughout.

    Sorry brief — on mobile / resting at the moment.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    One additional note, as I don’t have the PMPro extension: the above comment would be for a frontend Pods form like echo pods( 'user', get_current_user_id() )->form();

    Because we’re discussing Pods repeater fields, I assume something like that is being used. If PMPro is outputting its own form containing Pods fields, it might be a different thing.

    Thread Starter tnightingale


    It’s a different thing… it’s the PMPro edit profile form which is coming from PMPro with the PODS PMPro extension adding the extra user fields to the profile.

    I will test things in the staging site and let you know.


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