• Resolved domonthego2


    Hi –

    I need the ability to better organize my media library and have downloaded the plugin.

    Having read a few of the support issues raised I am concerned about what happens when I create my folder structure and begin moving photos. The following questions would be helpful to understand before I proceed with my library overhaul:

    – Creating folders and subfolders: I assume that this replicates the folder structure directly into FTP used by the host (in by case BlueHost)?
    – When photos are moved from existing folders to the new their location changes. I understand that featured images are not impacted but all other images in existing posts are. Can you please confirm this and why this is the case?

    I am trying to gauge what would need to be done on my end once the structure has been completed to assess amount of work and plan it out in advance:

    – Some images on my existing posts are not clickable – meaning that a user can’t open the image up to look at a larger version of it. Would these images have an error on it?
    – Would image galleries on any page or post get the same error or would it be different?
    – When the error is up, is it as simple as going into existing post, editing, and selecting the same image in the new folder?
    – What happens If I delete a folder or the plugin? Do the images stay in their location in the FTP folder?

    Thanks for your help.

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  • Plugin Author AlanP57



    -Creating a folder adds a folder on your server in the corresponding folder. If you add a folder via FTP under Uploads or if WordPress creates a folder, then you just have to click the ‘Check for new folders menu option’ to have MLF scan and add new folders.
    – When moving images their links in the posts, pages and featured images are updated. I just tested this and when am image is move, its ‘guid’ field, which is used for the featured image’s location, is updated in the database.
    – For non clickable images if should not matter. Once an image is moved, MLF uses SQL to search for the image path and the part of the file name that does not include the thumbnail size and updates it with the new image path in the posts table. That should catch all instances of the file URL.
    – Probably imaged in galleries would be update in both their postmeta record or post ‘guid’ field. But you should test this with your particular type gallery just to be sure.
    – Hopefully, moving images should not break links in posts or pages. If a link is broken you can manually fix it, if you know the new location, or delete it and reinsert the image/link again. Note the in the Pro version of MLF you are able to access MLF folder tree when editing posts or pages and navigate to any folder. In the non pro version, you still have to use the WordPress media library uploader to insert images.
    – If you deactivate or remove the plugin, you only remove the MLF UI and folder tree. Images are still accessible in the media library and links in your posts and pages still work.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by AlanP57.

    ” If you deactivate or remove the plugin, you only remove the MLF UI and folder tree.”
    Will the folders that have been created via MLF remain and be useable via the WP Media library, or will the files within be relocated under a year/month structure ?

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