• Hi!

    I want to try out the set and get_transient functions. As an example I used my tag_cloud which is generated randomly on every page request. I set the timeout to 10 seconds but it does not seem to work.

    What am I doing wrong?

    // Get any existing copy of our transient data
    // delete_transient('special_query_results');
    $special_query_results = get_transient('special_query_results');
    // If it wasn't there regenerate the data and save the transient
    if (!$special_query_results) {
        echo "<!-- caching -->";
    $special_query_results = wp_tag_cloud(array(
        'smallest'  => 8,
        'largest'   => 16,
        'number'    => 30,
        'order'     => 'RAND',
        'echo'      => false ));
         set_transient('special_query_results', $special_query_results, 10);
    echo $special_query_results;
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