• Hi all, this is a weird one, at least for me

    using 4.2.2 and 2015

    so i go to wordpress>settings>reading and set front page to be static
    i set the home page to ‘sample-page’ and posts page to a page i created before with the name ‘test’ and slug ‘test’

    save and all ok.when i go to the wp>pages i see the two pages one set as front page (with bold) and the other as ‘posts page’.The issue is with the posts page.At this point if i edit this page i can see the description box (the big where you add text)

    now i create another page named ‘Blog’ with slug ‘blog’

    i go to wordpresS>setttings>reading and set the ‘Blog’ page as the ‘posts page’.

    back to wp>pages and now when i open the ‘Blog’ page the description is missing(?) and a ‘notice’ displays

    “You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts.”

    i am not sure why this happens, anyone can help me?


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  • You are setting up a static front page. Whichever page you select as your posts page will only show your posts. It will not show any text you add to it.

    when i open the ‘Blog’ page the description is missing(?)

    I’m not sure what you mean by “description”

    Thread Starter dimitris33


    Here is the description part


    for a ‘normal’ page and here it is when the slug / name of the page is blog


    and its not something you can turn on from screen options

    What you are calling “Description” appears to be the area where you enter the text for the page.

    I don’t know why it’s not showing up on your “Blog” page. It could be a plugin conflict of some sort. But at any rate, any text you enter there will not appear on that page—only your blog posts.

    Thread Starter dimitris33


    the crazy thing is that this is how it works! please try this in your site, it is not a plugin conflict or something else, this is a new database.I was amazed to see this myself thats why i created this thread.

    please try it and tell me what you think


    Yeah, I just tried that in one of my sites. Apparently, once you select a page for your “Blog” page, WordPress no longer lets you edit it, because whatever text you put there originally is not going to show.

    So yeah, it’s a feature, not a bug.

    Thread Starter dimitris33




    1.do you know why? am not even sure when this happens.You can have a page not named as ‘blog’ set as posts page and still have the ‘description / editor’ metabox but not when the page is named ‘blog’ ?

    2.and how does this work? it looks like its loading a different template? i dont know, to be honest i try google but didnt find anything, probably this is how it works for a long time now (?)

    Once you have set this page as your “Blog” page, no content from it will show up. For example, you can create a page, add lots of contents to it, save it and view it, and it will show all that content. But once you set that page to “Blog”, that content will no longer show, just your posts. Content from that page will not show once it’s set as your blog page, so there’s no point in being able to edit it.

    If you had something on it that you need to copy and paste to another page, you can temporarily turn off the static home page feature.

    Thread Starter dimitris33


    Thank you, i get what you mean and it is not a problem for me but i use WP and i didnt know about this feature and frankly i dont get it.Since this happens only when you name your page ‘blog’ (or the slug still not sure about that too), this feature is activated.And again if you set up another page as posts page its not(?)

    i just dont get the purpose of this and no reference in the Codex.It does not look like a bug for sure i just dont get the meaning.

    on the other hand the ‘dev’ or the user may want to use the excerpt (also missing) or the ‘description’ metabox for some reason.

    can you think of any ?

    again thank you for taking the time to reply here.

    on the other hand the ‘dev’ or the user may want to use the excerpt (also missing) or the ‘description’ metabox for some reason.

    can you think of any ?

    No, not really. That page isn’t a page in the traditional sense—it’s just taking the place of your regular front page.

    Thread Starter dimitris33


    sorry i meant if you can think of any reason for this function : ) hiding these boxes.

    interestingly, if you have some content in the page before you set it to be the ‘posts page’, this content stays editable after the page is set as ‘posts page’.

    if you delete the content, and ‘update’ the page, you get the message ‘You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts.

    however, it now shows ‘revisions’ below; which you can ‘restore’ to get the content back.

    just my observation – I have no idea why this is would be an advantage for the user;
    imho, leaving the content box editable in any case, while also displaying the warning ‘You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts.‘ should be enough.

    Thread Starter dimitris33


    agree, this is weird and the funny thing is that i cannot find any reference.

    THANK YOU dim! I am pulling my hair out about this.
    Thought I was going nuts because it works with an older site of mine that is running older version of WP and Thesis 1.8 –
    Not only does the Description box disappear when you make it the Posts Page in settings the Template dropdown under page attributes disappears.
    What I was trying to do is put an image at the top of my blog posts page which I can no longer do with this “bug” loss of feature or what ever you want to call it.
    Annoying… But thanks for making me realize I am not going crazy :0)

    Thread Starter dimitris33


    @awtouch i was pulling my hair too : )

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