• Hi Lads,

    I am setting up a child theme and had to add a “template” in top of style.css file – (That was what WordPress said in Theme settings?? otherwise I couldn’t see the child theme?
    Any way by adding the line – It worked…
    Like this:

    [ Moderator note: Code fixed, please wrap code in backticks or use the code button. ]

    Theme Name: Minamaze
    Theme URI: https://www.thinkupthemes.com/free/minamaze-free/
    Author: ThinkUpThemes
    Author URI: https://www.ThinkUpThemes.com
    Description: Minamaze the free version of the multi-purpose professional theme (Minamaze Pro) ideal for a business or blog website. The theme has a responsive layout, HD retina ready and comes with a powerful theme options panel with can be used to make awesome changes without touching any code. The theme also comes with a full width easy to use slider. Easily add a logo to your site and create a beautiful homepage using the built-in homepage layout.
    Version: 1.1.3
    License: GNU General Public License
    License URI: /licenses/license.txt
    Tags: black, dark, red, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, fixed-layout, responsive-layout, fluid-layout, custom-header, custom-menu, full-width-template, theme-options, threaded-comments, editor-style, featured-images, featured-image-header, post-formats, sticky-post, translation-ready, flexible-header, gray, light, white, custom-background
    Template: minamaze

    But!!! It’s does not work? What to do?
    How to…

    In advance thanks!

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  • That code looks correct at first glance. Do you receive any error messages? Can you post a link to your site with the child theme active?

    Thread Starter Netz


    Well… WordPress said: ERROR – no template in theme?
    So I added
    Template: minamaze
    That helped – But when child is activated… NADA loads only text, links and pictures!

    It’s my friends site for a BF4 clan https://drukenrats.dk
    I make him post here… when he can activate child if you need to see a broken site ??


    I’m Netz’s friend, and the owner of site https://drunkenrats.dk/

    I has activate the child. As u can see, my site is broken when i use the child.

    In advance thanks!

    You’ve got the wrong syntax for your @import line:

    @import url: https://www.thinkupthemes.com/free/minamaze-free/style.css

    should be:

    @import url( '../minamaze/style.css' );

    Thank you very much for your help.
    I’ve looked at @import url. But I thought that the entire URL would then instead of the 3 periods. That’s why I an inserted https://www.thinkupthemes.com/free/

    But now you solved my problem. Thank you again for taking the time


    When you use @import url(), you can use relative paths: .. means ‘go up one folder level’ in Unix/Linux parlance (i.e., going from wp-content/themes/minamaze-child to wp-content/themes).

    I need your help once more. (hope u will)

    Now I thought I had mastered making a child. So I bought Minimaze_pro
    I installed it. And then tried to make a child. But it looks like broke again.

    Here is my style.css

    [ Moderator note: Code fixed, please wrap code in backticks or use the code button. ]

    Theme Name: Minamaze (Pro)-child
    Theme URI: https://www.thinkupthemes.com/themes/minamaze/
    Author: ThinkUpThemes
    Author URI: https://www.ThinkUpThemes.com
    Description: Minamaze is a multi-purpose professional Premium WordPress Theme ideal for a business or blog website. The theme is responsive, HD retina ready and comes with 600+ Google Fonts which can easily be selected directly from the theme options panel.-child
    Version: 1.6.7
    License: GNU General Public License
    License URI: /licenses/license.txt
    Tags: black, dark, red, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, fixed-layout, responsive-layout, fluid-layout, custom-header, custom-menu, full-width-template, theme-options, threaded-comments, editor-style, featured-images, post-formats, sticky-post, translation-ready, flexible-header, gray, light, white, custom-background
    Template: Minamaze_Pro
    @import url( '../minamaze_pro/style.css' );

    And my site is still https://www.drunkenrats.dk
    And the child is active right now

    In advance thanks!

    I have solved my problem

    I still need to use this @import url( ‘../minamaze/style.css’ );

    Sry for my foulness ??

    The Template: line needs to be exactly the same as the folder containing the parent theme, and capitalization matters: parent is not the same as Parent. If that isn’t the issue, I suggest contacting ThinkUp Themes directly. After all, that’s part of what you paid for.

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