• I set up a new user in admin which then sends them and email that says

    Username: User Name
    To set your password, visit the following address:

    When you click on the reset link it take you to a page that says

    Enter your new password below, or generate one.

    With an option to Generate Password or Save Password

    If I go for a generated password it’s obviously not a password than I can remember and there’s nothing to prompt me to copy it. Most people would expect their computer to save it for them. When I then go to log in it’s not in my list of saved passwords.

    My users are then having to go through the password reset again, some of them will realise what’s happening and will either set their own password or copy the generated password, but most get stuck in a frustrating loop.

    Is there anything I can do about this?

    Thanks in anticipation.

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  • Topher


    Probably not. Browsers ask to save passwords only on a login form, and that form isn’t a login form.

    If they copy the new one, and then use it to log in, THEN the browser should ask to save it.

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