Hello cogit!
I want to caution you now that there are people who specialize in configuring and setting up each of the different kinds of server software you can setup for your website. All of these services are highly configurable, and configuring them for any real benefit requires a reasonable level of complexity and knowledge. I work on designing high-performance server configurations for WordPress as part of my job, for example.
In my experience, a regular LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) configuration is usually fine for most WordPress websites with some kind of page caching plugin installed.
Services like PHP-FPM, database-object caching (such as memcached), full page caching (nginx and Varnish) can help provide a quicker loading speed and provide lower resource usage for higher traffic websites.
I recommend seeing if your host has any resources for these kinds of things. They often do. I know hosting providers using the popular hosting panel cPanel will have PHP-FPM support if they’re using a somewhat recent version of cPanel.
Of these things, nginx reverse proxy caching in front of Apache may provide the best mix of performance, resource efficiency, and ease of configuration. If you have cloud hosting, your hosting provider may even have a package type with a pre-built configuration for this or other similar high-performance loadouts. That seems to be an increasingly popular thing with cloud hosting providers nowadays. I do recommend checking to see what kind of support your host has to help you with this kind of stuff. It would be good to work with someone with experience making these changes if you’re planning on deploying them in a production environment. It’s really easy to make all of your websites not load properly when using the other services in addition to the default LAMP stack.