• Resolved alkpurusha


    I’m trying to set up a child theme for Colorway. The style.css file is as follows:

    [ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. ]

    Theme Name: ColorWay Theme Child Theme
    URI: https://www.alkpurusha.net/
    Description: Child Theme for ColorWay Theme
    Author: Andrew Lawson Kerr
    Author URI: https://www.alkpurusha.net/
    Template: colorwaytheme
    Version: 1.1
    @import url("../colorwaytheme/style.css");

    This is what ink themes.com says to include, which is similar to the WordPress guide on child themes.
    The file was sent via FTP to the wp-content/themes/colorwaytheme-childtheme folder at justhost.com. The colorway parent theme also resides in the themes/ folder.
    Within WordPress, I went to Appearance-Themes but the child theme was not there, only the ColorWay parent theme (as well as a twenty eleven theme).

    Am I missing something here, or doing something wrong?

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  • Maybe it was at the bottom as a Broken theme ?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    It’s your @import and Template that are at fault, they’re pointing to directories that don’t exist.

    Try this instead.

    Theme Name: ColorWay Theme Child Theme
    URI: https://www.alkpurusha.net/
    Description: Child Theme for ColorWay Theme
    Author: Andrew Lawson Kerr
    Author URI: https://www.alkpurusha.net/
    Template: colorway
    Version: 1.1
    @import url("../colorway/style.css");

    That should work after you fix those 2 lines.

    Thread Starter alkpurusha


    I tried this suggestion and changed the style.css but still the child theme is not there. Also logged off and on, no difference. Any other suggestions?

    No, it’s not listed as a broken theme.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    That’s odd.

    This exists:


    so does this


    But your site at https://www.alkpurusha.net/ is sending me to https://www.alkpurusha.net/Welcome.html probably via a index.html file.

    Am I looking at the correct URL?

    Thread Starter alkpurusha


    Yes; here’s the situation. I have an active web site at alkpurusha.net created on iWeb (Mac) which I am hoping to recreate with WordPress. So I was advised to install WordPress at justhost.com in the same root directory as the current site, but in a sub-folder, which i did (alkpurusha.net/WordPress). I am guessing by your puzzlement that I maybe have fluffed this installation and need to redo. Perhaps this is why the child theme isn’t working…

    Thread Starter alkpurusha


    This issue is resolved. The style.css file was being sent to an old wp-content folder which should have been uninstalled by WordPress Uninstall. Colorway child theme now works. Thanks for your help.

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