• I’m normally a very advanced tech but i’m totally stumped here.

    I’m wanting to merge WPBOOK with a friends style blog but haven’t figured out how! The link to our fanpage tab is: https://www.facebook.com/HairWeGo?v=app_222823313810&ref=ts

    Can someone help? We’ve been blogging since Novermber of 2009 yet WPBOOK posted one only blog (not even a blog post but a link) pointing to the site.

    How can this be? I went over the installation many times. Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong here?

    The blog i’m trying to import from is https://hairwegoproducts.com

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  • Thread Starter mykkal


    pretty please…. someone help me with this.
    Is there any real support here?

    Thread Starter mykkal


    is there any official support for this pluggin?

    Thread Starter mykkal



    Plugin Author John Eckman


    Hello mykkal.

    Please remember that WPBook is provided free of charge by volunteers who have full time jobs elsewhere – as is explicitly stated in the license, you use it at your own risk and no warranty is offered or implied.

    That said, I’d be happy to try to help you. (I’m the primary developer).

    When you say you’ve gone over the installation multiple times, where have you gotten stuck?

    What is the address of your Facebook application you created while installing WPBook?

    Did you successfully create a Facebook application? Does it show your blog posts correctly when you navigate to it?

    Have you successfully added a tab? Does it show your blog posts correctly when you navigate to it?

    Have you granted permissions for the Fanpage to which you are trying to post?

    Have you checked the “show errors posting to Facebook stream” in the WPBook settings?

    Have you created and stored an infinite session key?

    Plugin Author John Eckman


    It looks to me like your application is posting to the application’s wall:

    Are you trying to have it post to the wall of your Fanpage? It will not be able to do both at once – it can either post to an individual profile’s wall, or a fanpage/application/group wall, or both – but not two different fanpage/application/group walls.

    Thread Starter mykkal


    When you say you’ve gone over the installation multiple times, where have you gotten stuck?

    I get stuck at the first step of configuring really. When I click check permissions (https://apps.facebook.com/hairwego_comments/?is_permissions=true) it does not check permissions… it just displays IFrame of the website on Facebook.

    I never saw anything referring to my Facebook profile ID tho the screenshots from the instructions say I should.

    What is the address of your Facebook application you created while installing WPBook?


    Did you successfully create a Facebook application? Does it show your blog posts correctly when you navigate to it?

    I created the application but it doesn’t show the blog posts. Only the IFrame of the website embedded into FB.

    Have you granted permissions for the Fanpage to which you are trying to post?

    I added the application to the fanpage.

    Have you checked the “show errors posting to Facebook stream” in the WPBook settings?

    Yes it is checked. I get this error:
    Caught exception in stream publish for user: Session key invalid or no longer validError code: 102

    Have you created and stored an infinite session key?

    I read a few articles on the internet and created one. Its stored and current.

    It looks to me like your application is posting to the application’s wall:

    That was another application we were testing Wpbook was disabled because the errors that appeared whenever we try to publish.

    Plugin Author John Eckman


    Well it is never going to work until permissions are granted, so let’s start there.

    My guess is that something was set wrong in the canvas callback url, or some plugins are running on the blog which prevent WPBook from working.

    To repeat: if you don’t get grant permissions working nothing else will work properly.

    Is the plugin currently disabled? It appears to be. You’ll need to enable it again to test it.

    When it is enabled, what are your Facebook Application settings for :

    • Canvas Page
    • Canvas URL

    What is the root url of the WordPress install on the blog? (Is it in a subdirectory?)

    The settings for your Facebook Profile ID are in the WPBook settings in the blog – are you saying you never edited settings for WPBook in the blog?

    Plugin Author John Eckman


    Q: Did you successfully create a Facebook application? Does it show your blog posts correctly when you navigate to it?

    A: I created the application but it doesn’t show the blog posts. Only the IFrame of the website embedded into FB.

    That is what the Facebook application side is supposed to do – it shows the blog posts in an iFrame, styled approriately for FB. Was the blog restyled to match FB and fit into the iFrame width?

    If so, than at least this step was successful. If not, then there is an error in your canvas callback url most likely.

    Q: Have you granted permissions for the Fanpage to which you are trying to post?

    A. I added the application to the fanpage.

    That’s not what I asked. You have to specifically grant permissions for the fanpage, not just add the app to it. See my other reply in this thread – until grant permissions is working nothing else (but the basic iFrame view in the app) will work.

    Q. Have you checked the “show errors posting to Facebook stream” in the WPBook settings?

    A. Yes it is checked. I get this error:
    Caught exception in stream publish for user: Session key invalid or no longer validError code: 102

    This is a permissions issue – the WPBook code is trying to call Facebook and add a post, but the Facebook userid under which it is trying to post hasn’t granted ‘offline access’ permissions or created an infinite session key.

    Q. Have you created and stored an infinite session key?

    A. I read a few articles on the internet and created one. Its stored and current.

    Stored where? Is it entered in the right place in the WPBook settings in the blog? Is it an infinite session key associated with the user whose Facebook Profile ID is entered into the WPBook settings?

    See step 3 in the instructions where it says “Publish new posts to YOUR Facebook Wall Profile ID:” – that profile ID is the one WPBook acts as when communicating with Facebook, and must match the infinite session key

    Thread Starter mykkal


    When I follow your instructions I do not get asked for permissions the way the instructions say.

    Other then allowing access to my basic profile FB did not offer to grant permissions for the fan page, etc…

    Now I have no idea how to arrange that. I was able to get the infinite session ID after reading some random articles on the net but that was it.

    Plugin Author John Eckman


    @mykkal – if you don’t get asked for permissions, that means something is wrong.

    What is set as the Facebook ID in the WPBook settings inside WordPress?

    What do you see when you click on the “check permissions” link inside the WPBook interface inside WordPress?

    If you are not getting offered permissions for any other pages/walls then something is wrong with your basic setup.

    The Facebook profile id that is entered in WPBook settings (in WordPress) must be an admin of the page/wall to which you are trying to post – maybe the issue is that your Facebook profile ID isn’t the one set in WPBook settings?

    Thread Starter mykkal


    What is set as the Facebook ID in the WPBook settings inside WordPress?


    What do you see when you click on the “check permissions” link inside the WPBook interface inside WordPress?

    It takes me to the application page where it shows an Iframe of https://hairwegoproducts.com

    The Facebook profile id that is entered in WPBook settings (in WordPress) must be an admin of the page/wall to which you are trying to post – maybe the issue is that your Facebook profile ID isn’t the one set in WPBook settings?

    I’m an admin and a developer of the fanpage (https://facebook.com/hairwego

    Here’s the screenshots from the setup:

    1. https://hairwegoproducts.com/images/screenshot1.jpg
    2. https://hairwegoproducts.com/images/screenshot2.jpg

    Plugin Author John Eckman


    I can tell form this that what you have entered as an infinite session key is not one.

    But we still have to figure out why you don’t get the right permissions screen when you click on your check permissions link.

    In the Facebook Application settings for hairwego_comments, what do you have set as you Canvas URL?

    Can you post the “Website” and “Facebook Integration” sections of your settings?

    When I go to this page: https://apps.facebook.com/hairwego_comments/

    I should be getting a WPBook generated page which has the *content* of your blog but the look and feel of Facebook – styled according to the theme provided along with wpbook.

    Instead I get the full version of your theme- which suggests WPBook hasn’t even been triggered (and would explain why your check permissions link fails)

    Thread Starter mykkal


    In the Facebook Application settings for hairwego_comments, what do you have set as you Canvas URL?


    Can you post the “Website” and “Facebook Integration” sections of your settings?


    Should we delete the plugin and tables in the database? The re-add it?

    Plugin Author John Eckman


    Just going to this url:


    Triggers the look and feel I was talking about – this is what should be loading inside the iframe but isn’t.

    Looking at https://apps.facebook.com/hairwego_comments/

    I can see that the iFrame is loading with this url:

    Rather than a url which begins with:

    (There would be a lot of other stuff to, but the key is what is missing).

    What do you have set in your advanced_settings? Maybe that’s the key?

    Either that or Facebook finally is now forcing a new OAuth flow?

    Thread Starter mykkal


    What do you have set in your advanced_settings? Maybe that’s the key?


    not sure about the new Oauth flow… I could try creating another app to test. I find the redirection kinda strange.

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