• Resolved cadfile


    I just installed this plugin while working on a new theme on my localhost using Xampp. When I get to the settings page the settings are pushed all the way to the right like stuck in a sidebar.

    I see in the Changelog that this was an issued fixed in current version : “Bug fix: Fixed alignment issue of the main content of the settings page on WordPress 4.4.”

    Trying to figure out why it is happening on my setup and looking for a way to fix it.

    I am using PHP version 5.6.15.


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  • Plugin Author John Havlik


    For 5.3.1, the bug was the settings were floating just right of their tabs in WordPress 4.4. This was fixed by adding a float:left; CSS style to the settings div, on the Breadcrumb NavXT settings page.

    I am not observing the behavior you described with Firefox or Chrome. My guess is another plugin, or some other code, is inappropriately applying CSS all over the admin area, rather than on the page that needs it. Try deactivating all plugins other than Breadcrumb NavXT, clear your browser cache, and see if the problem persists. If it does not, reactivate the plugins one by one until you find the culprit (note that you may need to clear your browser cache frequently in this process to ensure the CSS from your testbed is actually loaded instead of a cached copy).

    Thread Starter cadfile


    I was using Pale Moon browser which is a fork of Firefox before version 29. I looked at the settings page with Chrome and Firefox and it appears normally so my issue was a browser issue.

    Thanks for the information.

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