• Resolved Alexandar Tzanov


    Problem: Caching does not stay on.

    Actions: After activating the plugin:

    • On the Easy tab I select “Caching On” then I click on “Update status”. After re-visitng the page, “Caching Off” is active. No files are continuously generated in the “cache” directory on the server.
    • On the Advanced tab I tick “Enable Caching” then I click on “Update Status”. After re-visitng the page, “Caching Off” is active on the Easy tab, and “Enable Caching” is not ticked on the Advanced tab. No files are continuously generated in the “cache” directory.


    • I have tried de-activating the plugin.
    • I have tried re-installing the plugin.
    • I have both manually copied the “advanced-cache” and “wp-cache-config” files, and I have had the plugin do so by temporarily setting the “wp-content” directory to 777.

    In all cases it does not indicate that caching is on after re-vising the settings page, and it does not continuously generate new files in the “cache” directory beyond few files when I first try to enable caching.


    • I have both WP_CACHE and WPCACHEHOME defined in wp-config.php.
    • “Cache” directory, “advanced-cache”, and “wp-cache-config” are owned and writable by Apache.
    • Other active plugins – Akismet, IndexNow, Jetpack, Jetpack Boost, Jetpack Search, WP-DBManager
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  • Plugin Support Stef (a11n)


    Hi there, @thetitan,

    Thanks for being so detailed in explaining your issue and the steps you have taken so far to try to solve it ?

    I trust you don’t have any other caching software at your server end (that you know of) that’s clashing with WP Super Cache.

    Having said that, could you please try deactivating IndexNow and WP-DBManager to see if the issue persists with these two plugins being turned off? If the problem disappears, it means that one of them is conflicting. Reactivate them one by one and check whenever the issue reoccurs to pinpoint the conflicting plugin.

    If this test doesn’t lead to any clashing situation, could you please post your site URL here so we can look? If you want it to remain private, you can also contact us via this contact form. Please include a link to this thread if you choose to reach out directly.

    Let me know what you find out!

    Thread Starter Alexandar Tzanov


    Hi Stef,

    My website address is TitanFusion.net.

    There is no other caching software installed on the server.

    I deactivated IndexNow, WP-DBManager, and a custom plugin. Then, I deactivated and re-activated WP Super Cache, and attempted Easy mod activation, but once the page was reloaded it switched back to “Cache Off”.

    I am seeing strange behavior:

    • Positive
      • I am seeing some cache files being created on the server.
      • I have noticed some improvements when loading pages.
      • Cloudflare’s cache of my site has tripled since attempting to activate the plugin.
      • There is now an option to “Delete Cache” in the admin bar.
    • Negative
      • The plugin admin interface remains in deactivated state and attempts to activated simply clears any existing cache files on the server before going back to showing a “Cache Off” state.
      • Attempting to change any configuration options from the plugin settings page are not saved.
      • Due to the above, I am not able to enable logging from the Debug tab, or run “Cache stats” from the Contents tab.

    Going back to “attempting to change settings”, when making changes and updating settings, it appears that the page is updated, but not really. Is it possible that the plugin update from 11.03.2024 introduced some bug in the settings save process?

    Thread Starter Alexandar Tzanov


    Just a follow up. After I made my earlier post, I decided to deactivate Jetpack Boost. That did not resolve the issue with WP Super Cache. I did though, after re-activating Jetpack Boost, saw that it now has an option for page cache, in beta.

    After activating Jetpack Boost cache, I checked the server, and it appears to work. The directory/file pattern I am seeing seems to be similar to what i have read WP Super Cache is supposed to follow.

    I am seeing the same devs on both plugins, and both plugins were updated on the same date to add support for each other in some from, but one plugin works, and the other one does not on my system. Maybe the issue is not on my end. Maybe, as I motioned in my last post, a bug was introduced in the last update.

    Plugin Support Stef (a11n)


    Hey @thetitan,

    The plot thickens, and thanks for keeping testing! I am running the last plugin version on my test site, and I can’t reproduce the issue you’re experiencing. Would turning off Cloudflare completely change anything?

    Do you have another test site or a staging site where you can install WP SuperCache and see if the issue persists over there too?

    Let me know what you find out!

    Thread Starter Alexandar Tzanov


    Hi Stef,

    The Jetpack Boost cache seems to be preforming as expected. So, for the near future I think I will use it in place of WP Supper Cache. I will wait for the next update and test, again. If anything changes, I will post and update here.

    Thank you for your help.

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