• Resolved brekhusr


    I cannot get this plugin to generate thumbnails of my PDFs. I checked the box (in Settings) to use Google Drive Viewer to generate thumbnails, but as soon as I hit the Save Settings button, the box unchecks itself, and I continue to get icons. I understand that enabling Google Drive Viewer is a good way to generate thumbnails, but I don’t see how I can enable Google Drive Viewer if the checkbox won’t stay checked.


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  • Plugin Author Dan Rossiter


    Hi brekhusr,

    Let’s see if we can figure out what’s happening.

    Firstly, which version of Document Gallery are you running?


    • Is any error displayed at the top of the page after the save fails?
    • Are there any log entries in the Logging tab? (If so, can you post them here?)
    • If you try to enable logging in the Advanced tab, does that save work (it’s possible that the same thing preventing your save when adding Google Drive Viewer will prevent this too, but worth a shot).



    Thread Starter brekhusr


    I’m using Document Gallery 2.2.7.

    There is no error displayed. It says “Changes saved.”
    Log entries on the Logging tab:
    (DG_Thumber::getThumbers) No thumbnail generators enabled.

    To which I say: well, yes, that’s the problem! It won’t let me keep the box checked!

    Logging is already enabled in the Advanced tab.

    Plugin Author Dan Rossiter


    Interesting. So hang on a minute, there are currently no generators enabled at all? We’re there previously? At minimum you should have had the Audio/Video method enabled by default. Did you manually disable that or did the plugin do that on its own?


    Plugin Author Dan Rossiter


    Hmm… So the next thing we can try is uninstalling Document Gallery and then re-installing. It’s possible that something in the DB was corrupted and a full uninstall would fix the issue of that’s the case.


    Thread Starter brekhusr


    Thumbnails were being generated just fine until we moved our WordPress from directory to the root directory. I may have disabled the audio/video method on my own – I don’t remember. But yeah…that audio/video checkbox won’t stay checked when I check and save, either.

    I’ll try an uninstall/reinstall.

    Thread Starter brekhusr


    And…it worked! After the reinstall, the check boxes stay checked and the thumbnails appear as normal.

    Now all I have to do is find out why there are also TWO “settings” links attached to this plugin – its own and the settings for the FS Directory plugin, which suddenly seems to be generating “settings” links next to ALL my other plugins.

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