• i switched to wp [from mt] some time ago — about 2 months ago.
    result: very happy so far.
    i used to two weblogs, well still have
    (annabloom.net and surreal.net is the same)
    as they were in different folders i did two installations of wp. obviously it would be more convenient to be able to do the administration from one interface but thanks to browser tabs it is not too much of a hassle to switch (and as wp can access templates outside the installation folder this part can be centralised).
    so, to the developers and all participants: thanks all and keep up the good work.
    no more rebuilds!

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  • I like your design, especially the hover state on the links!
    Your entries are sort of… surreal… :S
    But I did notice one thing, the top entry in your notespocket blog:
    “theilgean veicteoireach i mbaile ??tha cliath”
    Maith th?o agus postanna scr?-obhtha as Gaeilge agat, is bre?? liom an teanga sin! ??

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