• Hi there,

    I like to setup a list of users who are part of a company (company_name is the custom meta key) when people register.

    I think i have to do this through member directories right? Well i can’t seem to find where and how to create these. I don’t have that option in the backend menu.

    Would like to have some advice.

    Screenshots below:

    Thank you,

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  • Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Hi @remykonings33

    Thank you for contacting our support.

    It appears you’re using an older version of UM and WP. Could you please share the versions here?


    Thread Starter remykonings33


    Hmm that would be strange. All my plugins are up-to-date when I check the backend of the website

    here is my information:

    ### Begin Install Info ###
    ## Please include this information when posting support requests ##
    --- Site Info ---
    Site URL:					https://plateau.ar
    Home URL:					https://plateau.ar
    Multisite:					No
    --- Hosting Provider ---
    Host:						DBH: localhost, SRV: plateau.ar
    --- User Browser ---
    Platform:                 Apple 
    Browser Name:             Chrome  
    Browser Version: 
    User Agent String:        Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Ma 
    			  c OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.
                              36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/10
    ---- Current User Details --
    Role: administrator
    --- WordPress Configurations ---
    Version:						6.0.2
    Language:					nl_BE
    Permalink Structure:			/%postname%/
    Active Theme:				Betheme Child 2.0
    Page On Front:				Top (#56)
    Page For Posts:				 (#0)
    ABSPATH:					/var/www/html/
    All Posts/Pages:				0
    WP Remote Post:           		wp_remote_post() works
    WP_DEBUG:                 			Disabled
    WP Table Prefix:          			Length: 3, Status: Acceptable
    Memory Limit:   				40MB
    --- UM Configurations ---
    Version:						2.5.0
    Upgraded From:            		2.5.0
    Current URL Method:			
    Cache User Profile:			Yes
    Generate Slugs on Directories:	Yes
    Force UTF-8 Encoding: 		No
    JS/CSS Compression: 			No
    Port Forwarding in URL: 		No
    Exclude CSS/JS on Home: 		No
    --- UM Pages Configuration ---
    User:						https://plateau.ar/gebruiker/
    Account:						https://plateau.ar/account/
    Members:					https://plateau.ar/leden/
    Register:						https://plateau.ar/registreren/
    Login:						https://plateau.ar/login/
    Logout:						https://plateau.ar/uitloggen/
    Password Reset:				https://plateau.ar/wachtwoord-herstellen/
    --- UM Users Configuration ---
    Default New User Role: 		subscriber
    Profile Permalink Base:		user_login
    User Display Name:			full_name
    Force Name to Uppercase:		No
    Redirect author to profile: 		No
    Enable Members Directory:	No
    Use Gravatars: 				No
    Require a strong password: 	On
    --- UM Access Configuration ---
    Panic Key: 								
    Global Site Access:						Site accessible to Logged In Users
    Custom Redirect URL:						https://plateau.ar
    Exclude the following URLs:				
    Backend Login Screen for Guests:			No
    Redirect to alternative login page:			
    Backend Register Screen for Guests:		No
    Redirect to alternative register page:		
    Access Control widget for Admins only: 		No
    Enable the Reset Password Limit:			Yes
    Reset Password Limit: 3Disable Reset Password Limit for Admins: No
    Blacklist Words: 							5
    --- UM Email Configurations ---
    Mail appears from:  			Plateau
    Mail appears from address:  	[email protected]
    Use HTML for E-mails:   		Yes
    Account Welcome Email:  		Yes
    Account Activation Email:   	Yes
    Pending Review Email:   		Yes
    Account Approved Email: 		Yes
    Account Rejected Email: 		No
    Account Deactivated Email:  	No
    Account Deleted Email:  		No
    Password Reset Email:   		Yes
    Password Changed Email: 		Yes
    --- UM Total Users ---
    				All Users(3)
    --- UM Roles ---
    				Administrator (administrator)
    Editor (editor)
    Author (author)
    Contributor (contributor)
    Subscriber (subscriber)
    Customer (customer)
    Shop manager (shop_manager)
    --- UM Custom Templates ---
    --- UM Email HTML Templates ---
    --- Web Server Configurations ---
    PHP Version:              			7.4.30
    MySQL Version:            			5.7.38
    Web Server Info:          			Apache
    --- PHP Configurations ---
    PHP Memory Limit:         			256M
    PHP Upload Max Size:      			100M
    PHP Post Max Size:        			100M
    PHP Upload Max Filesize:  			100M
    PHP Time Limit:           			120
    PHP Max Input Vars:       			1000
    PHP Arg Separator:        			&
    PHP Allow URL File Open:  			Yes
    --- Web Server Extensions/Modules ---
    DISPLAY ERRORS:           			N/A
    FSOCKOPEN:                			Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL:                     			Your server supports cURL.
    SOAP Client:              			Your server does not have the SOAP Client enabled.
    SUHOSIN:                  			Your server does not have SUHOSIN installed.
    GD Library:               			PHP GD library is installed on your web server.
    Mail:                     			PHP mail function exist on your web server.
    Exif:				          PHP Exif library is installed on your web server.
    --- Session Configurations ---
    Session:                  			Disabled
    Session Name:             			PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path:              			/
    Save Path:                			/var/lib/php/sessions
    Use Cookies:              			On
    Use Only Cookies:         			On
    --- WordPress Active Plugins ---
    				Admin Color Schemes: 3.0.0
    Adminimize: 1.11.8
    All-in-One WP Migration: 7.65
    Checkout Fields Manager for WooCommerce: 6.2.8
    Code Manager: 1.0.18
    Contact Form 7: 5.6.3
    Contact Form 7 - Dynamic Text Extension: 2.0.3
    Contact Form 7 Database Lite: 3.0.3
    Custom Validation Message for Contact Form 7: 2.0.0
    Direct Checkout for WooCommerce: 2.6.9
    Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload PRO - Contact Form 7: 5.0.6
    Easy WP SMTP: 1.4.7
    File Renaming on upload: 2.5.0
    Force Regenerate Thumbnails: 2.0.6
    Hide Admin Bar From Non-Admins: 1.0.1
    JSM's Force HTTP to HTTPS: 3.4.1
    Manage Notification E-mails: 1.8.3
    Send PDF for Contact Form 7: 0.9.8
    Site Kit by Google: 1.84.0
    Ultimate Member: 2.5.0
    WooCommerce: 6.9.4
    WooCommerce Payments: 4.8.0
    WP Data Access Premium: 5.2.6
    Yoast Duplicate Post: 4.5
    ### End Install Info ###
    Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Hi @remykonings33

    Thanks for providing the installation info. I can see that you have the latest versions.

    Have you tried deactivating other plugins and then leaving UM plugin active just to test this issue? Let’s see if the Member Directory menu still doesn’t show.


    Thread Starter remykonings33


    thx for helping out, unfortunately deactivating all plugins did not make any difference. I’ve also tried to use the twenty two theme as my main theme is “BeTheme” but that also didn’t make a differences.

    Are there any other options to try in order to get the Member Directory to work?


    Have you enabled Member Directory in:

    UM Settings -> General -> Users -> Enable Members Directory

    Thread Starter remykonings33


    Wauw! oke that was it, thank you for pointing out that setting to me. I totally overlooked it somehow! -,-


    By default, Ultimate Member will install a members directory on your site on a page called members.


    You have to enable this UM default feature.


    Can you make a step 0 in this guide about how to enable Member Directory.

    Thread Starter remykonings33


    So i’ve checked out the settings but i’m in doubt if it’s possible to create custom directories based on a custom meta-key.

    I want to create a per company list/grid using a custom meta-key.
    My custom meta-key is called “company_name”. Users will add their company during signup.

    Is it possible to create a list based on a dynamic meta-key?

    Thank you.


    I’m not sure that’s possible without a code snippet.


    You can try this code snippet where users get a Member Directory only with their own company members listed. If company_name is empty only a Member Directory with current user.

    Change $directory_id = '387'; to your Member Directory ID.

    Install the code snippet into your active theme’s functions.php file
    or use the “Code Snippets” plugin.


    add_filter( 'um_prepare_user_query_args', 'custom_meta_value_prepare_user_query_args', 10, 2 );
    function custom_meta_value_prepare_user_query_args( $query_args, $directory_data ) {
        $directory_id = '387';
        $meta_key = 'company_name';
        if( $directory_data['form_id'] == $directory_id ) {
            $meta_value = um_user( $meta_key );
            $include = array( um_profile_id() );
            if( $meta_value ) {
                $include = get_users( array( 'meta_key'   => $meta_key, 
                                             'meta_value' => $meta_value, 
                                             'fields'     => 'user_id',
            $query_args['include'] = $include;
        return $query_args;
    Thread Starter remykonings33


    Thank you for your help. That indeed works great!

    Appreciate it!


    Thanks for tagging me. The doc has been updated!

    Displaying Member Directories

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