Several Errors
Im so dissapointed in this plugin. I cant believe this is a Paypal and automatic plugin. I couldn’t understand why it has 1.5 stars when I installed but now I can.
The only thing that worked was simple payment. This plugin says its compatible with Woocommerce Subscriptions. What exactly is compatible? Firstly, you cant add Paypal account through My Account page. Secondly when I payed else where and had the Paypal account linked, next payments cant be done. When I press the Paypal button with email, it never loads the popup and says: Please try again or choose another payment source., on dev tools error said Error: expected an ID to be passed and everytime something different. On error logs it said ERROR Order approve failed: Order XXXXXX is not approved yet.
I have searched whole internet and found nothing that helped.
We cant use it for subscriptions, we cant pay with saved account, we cant add Paypal account, then what works concerning the plugin Woocommerce Subsriptions?
And the worst part, today I tested again and now nothing at all works. No payments at all. Even the simple payments have now several errors and cant even load the popup.
[UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation. This error is displayed on the screen, while my account has no problem at all. I searched that this may happen with zero cost payments or free trials, but mine is not zero at all. On error logs it says …. `Response: Array
[code] => 422
[message] => Unprocessable Entity
)`.... and after that (other unhelpful things)Response: Array ( [code] => 403 [message] => Forbidden ) Response Body: {"name":"AUTHORIZATION_ERROR","debug_id":"XXXXXXXX","message":"Authorization error","information_link":"","details":[{"name":"REFUSED_MARK_REF_TXN_NOT_ENABLED","message":"This merchant account is not permitted to create Merchant Initiated Billing Agreement"}]}
While I am permitted to create Merchant Initiated Billing Agreement
Anyways, I dont know if these help a bit, hope you can guide me to the right direction to fix these. Also I can send you more details, where can I open a direct ticket?
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