Several issues
Vendors can make articles and publish them but articles open in a new page. Are they suppose to appear in vendors store tab? it possible to remove vendors knoledgebase kategories? Dont need all of them
3.what is support ticket link or shortcode? Ive created custom woocommerce my account page and dont know how to adjust it there. Module info says it appears automatic in there but i have css disablet all regular woocommerce tabs Vendor Dashoboard menu -> support(support ticket) title, i cant translate it. All other menu titles worked with loco
5.I would like to disable wizard, how can i redirect customers to vendor dashboard after registration and membership section. If wizard is disabled it redirects to thank you page. But after completed wizard it goes straight to dashboard where i want it goes without wizard.
6.vendor dashboard home, there used to read Welcome to xxx dashboard but now it says welcome to your store and problem is i cant translate it anymore. Dont know what happened. it possible to use become a vendor link in custom link that stays there and after registration complete the same link goes vendor dashboard? For example, link in my account page ”Seller dashboard”, first time it is used it goes to vendor registration and afterward to straight dashboard storefollowers notification works? Do they get emails or is there any shortcode to add and create custom field/tab for vendors activity notifications in my account page so vendor see when they go my account that one of their seller has added new product
9. If customer buys product there goes paypal fee and the money comes admin. When admin accepts that vendor withdraw with paypal does there go another paypal payment?
10. Vendors have option to add customer support information. I have added those fields but the information isnt showing anywhere. Should vendor shop appear a customer service tab for customers.
I would be very pleased if these questions will resolved.
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