• Resolved nssimpson


    1. Logs are 1 hour wrong although our server time is correct.
    2. Rearranging the order of the checkout payment methods only moves the PayPal option. The card option remains at the bottom of the list so we’ve moved this manually. I believe the next release may fix this.
    3. There’s no obvious way for a customer to remove their vaulted card details.
    4. When a customer presses a payment option that either fails or they back out from (i.e. PayPal) the order is created on the site but is set to “Pending payment”. If the customer then tries to pay by card the checkout shows various error messages because I think it thinks a duplicate order number is being used (this doesn’t seem to happen on PayPal). Sometimes the payment goes through but doesn’t link to the order and other times it just fails.
    5. I also saw an instance where the checkout said the card was wrong but the card payment went through and the order completed successfully.
    6. When the plugin is set to only authorise the payment there’s still the option in the order to issue a refund. This fails with “error in the Payment Gateway API”. Rather than a refund option there should be a way to void the authorisation without logging into PayPal. I know there’s a thread discussing this.
    7. When payments go through there’s no information available to say whether the card matched the shipping address, the PayPal payment is eligible for seller protection, etc. This info was available with our old plugin but I know have to log into PayPal to check payments.
    This is what my old plugin showed me: PayPal Pro payment failed (Correlation ID: xxxxxxxxxxxx). Payment was rejected due to an error: (15005) “This transaction cannot be processed.” Order status changed from Pending payment to Failed.

    8. In the logs when I’m testing all I’m seeing is:

    2021-06-16T09:42:39+00:00 WARNING No token stored for customer 0.
    2021-06-16T09:06:15+00:00 WARNING No token stored for customer 875.
    2021-06-16T09:51:49+00:00 WARNING No token stored for customer 876.
    2021-06-16T10:29:37+00:00 WARNING Failed to create order. PayPal API response: [UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation. https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#error-DUPLICATE_INVOICE_ID
    2021-06-16T10:37:05+00:00 WARNING Failed to authorize order. PayPal API response: [UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation. https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#error-DUPLICATE_INVOICE_ID
    2021-06-16T10:42:58+00:00 WARNING Failed to authorize order. PayPal API response: [UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation. https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#error-DUPLICATE_INVOICE_ID.

    These errors go away once I delete the “Pending payment” order and try again to pay by card.

    Customer 875 and 876 are a couple of test accounts we use.

    I have no idea what “customer 0” is but there are loads of those in the logs.

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  • jon


    Whilst I can’t help with any of your issues, I’m interested in the solution you came up with to change the order of the payment options (I have a similar thread open: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/checkout-page-payment-options-order/). I’m currently of the mind to change the order with javascript once the credit card iframe has been loaded from Paypal’s servers.

    Thread Starter nssimpson


    Hi Jon

    I’d have to get this info from our web developer. You can see how it works if you visit https://www.mainprint.co.uk.

    Have other people on here noticed the same faults? I’m wondering if I should be using another plugin until this one has been developed more. This one did say it was developed by WooCommerce so I assumed it would be bullet-proof.

    (The one I currently use doesn’t offer 3DSecure on cards and hasn’t been developed for a long time.)

    What do people think?

    Plugin Support Andreas W.


    Hello @nssimpson @jonwarner

    thank you for your feedback. We will try to improve the plugins with upcoming updates. Some things might be not perfect yet but believe me, we are already working on it.

    Currently, we try to get as much input as possible and will implement more features in the next updates. We are working here together with PayPal to find the best solution customers need.

    I’ll forward your recommendations to our developers so we can discuss this in our next meetings.

    Thank you
    Have a nice day

    I am having these issues too. Good to know it’s not just me after searching around. Any update on this?

    Thread Starter nssimpson


    I’d also like to know when the next update is due to be released.

    Plugin Support Andreas W.


    Hello @nssimpson @coletroid

    we will try to do our best. Currently, there is no fixed time when the next update will be released but normally all two week or at least once a month.

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