• I found whilst checking my webmaster tools that there are several spammy links that are now indexed on my website. How do I locate and remove these? I have tried several scans and they show nothing I have tried looking for the file location but without success.

    I have found about 8 extensions for various spammy products

    I need help please could someone point me in the right direction to fix the problem?

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  • Hmm…have you checked your database?

    Try searching it for some of the spam products and/or domains that it is linking to.

    If you’re not sure what tables to look in, I would first try in wp_posts and wp_options

    Thread Starter wikiklix


    I just went into the database and had a look at wp_posts and wp_options but I can see anything which represents the spam links on my.

    Thread Starter wikiklix


    I just went into the database and had a look at wp_posts and wp_options but I can’t see anything which represents the spam links on my website. Can you provide any additional ideas to locate these extensions ?p=mobile-casino.


    Hey sorry for the delay, did you perform a search for any keywords in dtabase?

    In PHPMyAdmin (or Adminer if you’re using that) press the ‘search’ function and look for spam keywords like this:


    Or whatever keywords relate to the spam you are grappling with.

    If you see any tables which include that content you might have a winner. If you find it, edit those tables and delete the spam manually or revert back to an older database backup if you have one.

    I also find this is very helpful to search for when dealing with database spam:


    This will find many hidden links if any are present.

    Now, it is possible that this infection is not located in the DB – I might also suggest you try looking at the content of your .htaccess file. It should look like this:


    If you see any references to other domains in your .htaccess or anything that is referencing a file other than index.php that might be the issue. Try replacing it with default .htaccess. (for example, if .htaccess references common.php instead of index.php then it is likely that common.php is the malicious file)

    If any of these solutions don’t work try replacing your core WordPress files with fresh copies. If that doesn’t work, try temporarily disabling all your plugins and try those links again to see if they work – this is a way to determine if it is your plugins. Similarily you can do this with themes – change to fresh copy of twentyfourteen theme and try the link again.

    Once you get the issue sorted, though, don’t forget to change all your passwords ??

    Let me know if you continue to experience problems with this and we’ll try to get to the bottom of it.

    These might help: https://blog.sucuri.net/?s=spam

    Thread Starter wikiklix


    Hi thank you for the reply. I deactivated all my plugins the other day as i couldn’t find anything in the database. When i deactivated all plugins i found the links seemed to stop working. I narrowed it down to one plugin and have now deleted it. I guess that was the cause. However, those spam links are still showing up in my google webmaster account, Although when i click on them they just take me to my home page, so i guess their gone now? Any further help would be appreciated

    That’s awesome!!! Glad to hear ??

    Ok, all you gotta do now is go to ‘Manual Actions’ in Google Webmaster Tools and request a review. They’ll then register that those links are no longer there and will lift the warning. Also might want to check ‘Security Issues’ as well just to check to see if they are flagging anything.

    I just had the same problem. I got an email from google webmaster saying that:


    I tried above suggestion but that didn’t work for me.
    So, googled around and found that you need to:

    1. Go into your phpadmin
    2. Go into “wp_options” table
    3. Then click on search
    4. Under “option_name”, type in “client_data_run”.

    For me there was only 1 record found and I deleted that. All those spammy links are all gone…

    You might have more than one. Just delete all the found records and you should be go…

    Let me know if this works out for you…

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