• sciencegirl


    1. When I published the first issue, and went to ‘Current Issue’ page, the articles were listed in reverse order, even though I ordered them sequentially. In addition, the teasers were not showing…it shows the beginning sentences from the articles.

    2. When I clicked on one of the article links in the unordered list, it took me to an error page that said “this page no longer exists”. However, when I un-published the article, I can preview it from the ‘IssueM article editing area’.

    3. In the IssueM Help section, these 2 shortcodes are described as doing the exact same thing:

    IssueM Article Loop: [issuem_articles]
    This shortcode will display the list of articles in an issue.

    IssueM Featured Article Rotator: [issuem_featured_rotator]
    This shortcode will display the list of articles in an issue.

    3. When I use [issuem_featured_rotator] on ‘Current Issue’ page, there is no image displayed.

    Lots of problems. Do you have an idea of what’s going wrong? Thank you.


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